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Power member.
Beats said:
To be honest, FK needs more Staff. As you can see, 2 out of the 3 Staff members are currently offline. Since @Narc and @Philly are probably taking care of other stuff, they probably don't have time to deal with reports and such.

That's why FK needs more Staff or at least to bring back Moderators.

Philly and Narc don't really have time to be dealing with reports (I am guessing). They have a lot more things to deal with.

I would have to disagree. At this moment, @Hope couldn't possibly handle the site on his own. Right now, FK has 3 Staff members. That's not even enough with all three of them online. I know you were Staff and you can relate. Right now the site isn't a whole lot active but it will pick up later today. If most of the Staff are offline, then that leaves everything up to whichever Staff member is online.

Fresh said:
And I think you would be a great suit for the job, along with some other users. It's just not the job for me, have to much going on and I'm fine with being a normal user. Good luck to anyone reaching for a staff position and I'm sorry @Narc .

Thank you @"Fresh". I really appreciate the kind words.

A gunner said:
4* staff members.

To be honest if you really have a lot of staff members then there's something wrong. A staff member is a hard position and to be honest being a staff member takes great responsibility. Doing reports, moving threads in the right order..staff duty work, etc. If the staff members can't handle the job due to other distractions, then you need a replacement. Not saying this is their life, but you need staff members to maintain the site community/society.

No. There are only 3 Staff members currently on the team. @"Gr33d" is Super Staff. He is nowhere close to being a regular Staff member. He has way more permissions that regular Staff. Though his title has the word "Staff" in it, he's more than that.


User is banned.
Beats said:
I would have to disagree. At this moment, @Hope couldn't possibly handle the site on his own. Right now, FK has 3 Staff members. That's not even enough with all three of them online. I know you were Staff and you can relate. Right now the site isn't a whole lot active but it will pick up later today. If most of the Staff are offline, then that leaves everything up to whichever Staff member is online.

Thank you @"Fresh". I really appreciate the kind words.

No. There are only 3 Staff members currently on the team. @"GrƷƷd" is Super Staff. He is nowhere close to being a regular Staff member. He has way more permissions that regular Staff. Though his title has the word "Staff" in it, he's more than that.

It's not an issue with the number of staff. It's an issue with the activity of the team members.


Power member.
Nevermind said:
It's not an issue with the number of staff. It's an issue with the activity of the team members.

Well, there's only one plausible solution to Staff inactivity. I'll just leave it at that.

But, adding more Staff, and Staff members who would be active, would be the best choice.


User is banned.
Nevermind said:
It's not an issue with the number of staff. It's an issue with the activity of the team members.

I agree with this statement 110%


Onyx user!
Good lucking picking a new staff member, curious on who it's gonna be the new one.


Power member.
HF has almost half a million members, only 7 forum team members.

FK has 25k members, and 7 forum team members(once someone new gets promoted since @Fresh got demoted).

I agree with Leader though, there are too many staff members. Cut it down to 4-5, maybe have some lowkey staff members, who cares, but if 7 people can handle a forum with 500k members, I think the FK team can handle the site with 4-5 staff members.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with anyone on the team, I/everyone just thinks the team should be smaller.

But yeah, on another note, #Beats4staff2020.


Well-Known Member
Day said:
HF has almost half a million members, only 7 forum team members.

FK has 25k members, and 7 forum team members(once someone new gets promoted since @Fresh got demoted).

I agree with Leader though, there are too many staff members. Cut it down to 4-5, maybe have some lowkey staff members, who cares, but if 7 people can handle a forum with 500k members, I think the FK team can handle the site with 4-5 staff members.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with anyone on the team, I/everyone just thinks the team should be smaller.

But yeah, on another note, #Beats4staff2020.

HackForums also has many moderators.

Based Prime

Active Member
Honestly, all trolling aside, I think I could be the most HQ member the forum could see. I hope I can be staff one day.


Power member.
Color said:
HackForums also has many moderators.

Yeah sure, but the members on the team don't just sit around doing nothing. I'm not saying anyone on here does either, but they have more reason to have a fair amount of people monitoring the forum for them.


User is banned.
To all those commenting yay I want staff it's probably going to lower you chances..


Power member.
Trilogy said:
Here's my genass plan

Demote: Hope and Michael (really, demote him)
Promote: Beats and Prime.

Not to pick a fight but in what way does Prime deserve a position such as staff?


Power member.
Trilogy said:
Here's my genass plan

Demote: Hope and Michael (really, demote him)
Promote: Beats and Prime.

Not to be rude or anything but I would rather give @Prepare my spot, leave FK, and take a perm ban before Prime gets Staff (If Prime and I were to be promoted).

Not to be rude though.


Power member.
Good luck on picking the next staff member. Judging by the comments, I must have missed in the OP where it said to leave all of your suggestions for the next staff member :p


Power member.
Trilogy said:
Prime is obviously a joke he's a 2014 fag we don't want another Fresh bruh. Prepare is also a bad choice niggas inactive af.

In my opinion, being promoted would make a user more active. Being on the site without a purpose causes inactivity. Users get bored. I'm sure that if @Prepare is promoted, he would be active once again.


User is banned.
I fail to see why we need more staff. I personally do want to be staff, sure some of you agree. But HF deals with 3 staff, 3 admins, and around 10 (correct me if Im wrong on this number)"Mentors" which can act as moderator in terms of junking posts, moving threads etc. They are around 20 times as active as this site at LEAST. Their admins arent even extremely active, all 3 go days at a time without logging in. The staff are usually active, but not no=life active. If the staff here were well trained, ACTIVE and were professional about it, we wouldnt need more staff. We should be good with about 4 members of team MAX logically. 6 is already a lot. Perhaps reopen Moderator group, demote 2 staff to that, and promote a few other members to that that would have moderator privileges in certain sections. But more staff arent needed, active and knowledgeable staff are.

/rant over


User is banned.
Not sure if this is necessary but I would go for @Amp or @Beats either one of them would be a great choice, well atleast in my opinion.


Power member.
You should just close this, all it is turning into is a debate and people talking shit trying to get staff. Everything has been said that needed to be.


Power member.
Beats said:
In my opinion, being promoted would make a user more active. Being on the site without a purpose causes inactivity. Users get bored. I'm sure that if @Prepare is promoted, he would be active once again.

You actually took the words out of my mind and typed them out for me.


Power member.
Beats said:
I would have to disagree. At this moment, @Hope couldn't possibly handle the site on his own. Right now, FK has 3 Staff members. That's not even enough with all three of them online. I know you were Staff and you can relate. Right now the site isn't a whole lot active but it will pick up later today. If most of the Staff are offline, then that leaves everything up to whichever Staff member is online.

Thank you @"Fresh". I really appreciate the kind words.

No. There are only 3 Staff members currently on the team. @"GrƷƷd" is Super Staff. He is nowhere close to being a regular Staff member. He has way more permissions that regular Staff. Though his title has the word "Staff" in it, he's more than that.

He is still staff. Meaning he still has to do reports and other positions he has to take care of.
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