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Help I'm in a meltdown:0

Mr. X

Power member.
Trap said:
Abortion is just a legal type of murder. That's how I see it anyway. It is what it is... I do however don't see it as murder if the "parasite" / fetus has not grown into a human-like shape yet. If it's the size of a pea and has not gained eyes, legs, a brain, etc. yet, it's not AS severe to me as waiting until the fetus is 4+ weeks old. Either way, it's seen as "murder" by most people. Those are my thoughts. @Triad

This is also how I feel about this subject.


You all make great points. And honestly I want to keep the kid, but I don't want her to go through that now and I also don"t have to much money:( 3 years from now I will have a job and hopefully making 200k a year in MD. It's a shame that this couldn't have happened then:( we are aborting it to just solve the issue assaprocky. I know some may say it's wrong. I also think it's wrong:( but it must be done. And as harsh as it seems a baby can be made again:( although I will never forget what could have been my first child;( thanks for all your opinions. I feel much better about all this today. And shouts to the Einstein statement lol


Active Member
coltie2 said:
You all make great points. And honestly I want to keep the kid, but I don't want her to go through that now and I also don"t have to much money:( 3 years from now I will have a job and hopefully making 200k a year in MD. It's a shame that this couldn't have happened then:( we are aborting it to just solve the issue assaprocky. I know some may say it's wrong. I also think it's wrong:( but it must be done. And as harsh as it seems a baby can be made again:( although I will never forget what could have been my first child;( thanks for all your opinions. I feel much better about all this today. And shouts to the Einstein statement lol

That's a tough call, but as long as you both are okay with it and you don't have the money to support the child I suppose it is a fair decision.
I wish you the best of luck with this whole situation, Coltie.


Active Member
I don't see abortion as murder. Especially in the form of plan B. Plan B just stops the process from even initiating. Abortion is disposing of potential.
Let's use a horrible analogy that I'm making up as I type this: We are trying to make a strawberry banana smoothie. To make this, you need a banana, a few strawberries, a couple of ice cubes and some milk; to make a child, you need sperm and an egg. Throw the banana, strawberries, ice and milk into the blender (sperm --> egg), so now the ingredients for the strawberry banana smoothie (as well as the child development process) are together, but haven't started yet.
So we start the blender for only half of a second before quickly stopping it and throwing it out because we decided we don't want a smoothie. The process would have begun, that is true. It had all of the right ingredients, had started the process, and had INTENT to become a strawberry banana smoothie, but is it one when we stopped the process and threw it out? No. It was not far enough in the process to be considered one. It was still just a jumbled mess of ingredients.
When you have an abortion, you're not killing a human. That's illegal. There are laws that are in place so that you cannot have an abortion after (x) amount of time into the development process. After that, it's too late and you have to have the kid regardless. But until that time, you're just stopping something that had the potential to become a human; not yet a human itself.
Again, this is a terrible analogy and your girlfriend will probably beat you unconscious if you try to explain it to her like this. :p
I wonder how many people will get pissed off at me for comparing baby making/abortion to making a strawberry banana smoothie?