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Drugs and depression

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Onyx user!
Try to find mushrooms. Hold off on acid until you've done mushies once or twice as they been shown to more or less mitigate depression. Remember that with all hallucinogens you will get what you expect, meaning that your mindset when your start tripping will effect your entire trip. Example, if you expect to have a good trip and enjoy yourself, you will for the most part. Not gonna lie, sometimes the body high can be uncomfortable (personal opinion). I also would not reccomend tripping alone, its always more fun with friends. Best trip I've ever had was with 3 friends hanging out at one of their houses and just listening to stand up comedy on Pandora. Was honestly the funniest shit I've heard in my entire life.

Also, I really don't think any of these people saying no have actaully done acid or mushrooms. The things they are saying are very inconsistent with how it really is. I was in your shoes a few years ago and haven't had depression since.
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