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Depression & Anxiety


Power member.
I struggled w that shit for years, still do. But since im on vacation i can chill, also im taking sertraline against depression and anxiety. So i recommend meds if it gets worse.
Also sports helps a lot and going out daily.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I really hate meds so I'm going to speak with my doctor about that and apply for Medical Marijuana. Hopefully that will go well, as it's prescribed in Canada for both Anxiety & Depression. That is the ideal outcome for me at this point.

cas said:
Stop being a little bitch made nigga.

Vouch this advice cured me. I am no longer depressed or have any sorts of anxiety. I have also joined 3 NFL teams and won 9 awards since I started going outside instead of being a forum nerd. Thank you, cas.

Space Time

User is banned.
Don't result to medication of any form Hurt.
Just let your body and mind deal with the issue it self.
Medication is just there as a last resort and just prolongs your problem dude.

Trust me; one of my friends uses weed as medication and honestly he doesn't seem like the person I met a few years ago.
It slowly kills you mentally.


Same pinch mate. I've had social anxiety issues for long. My doctor has often said that it has been a result of lack of friends and more socializing from my part. Medication never helped me. There are times when I've looked at the mirror, realizing how bad I've become due to all the depression. But again at times you need to find solace in things like small things that keep you happy. Also Music is a great source of inspiration and anti-depressant for me.