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Wu Disciples Award.


User is banned.
How did you discover the Wu Tang Clan? My dad showed me - he walked into my room and said "let me show you some real rap."

How long have you been a fan of the Wu Tang Clan? Around two years - been listening to them consistently.

Favourite album they've made & why? 36 Chambers. Just track after track of straight bangers.

Favourite single they've made & why? "Da Mystery of Chessboxin." I love the beat and the chorus. Also, "Raw I'mma give it to ya, with no trivia, raw like cocaine straight from Bolivia." What a fucking sweet line.

Do you have any posters memorabilia or albums of the Wu Tang Clan? Unfortunately not.


User is banned.
Punish said:
I purchased an award around a week ago. I have decided to make it a more personal award rather than one that everyone can easily achieve.

Please do [b]NOT[/b] try and pass of as a Wu Tang fan just to get another award because it will [b]NOT[/b] work.
[b]How did you discover the Wu Tang Clan?[/b]
[b]How long have you been a fan of the Wu Tang Clan?[/b]
[b]Favourite album they've made & why?[/b]
[b]Favourite single they've made & why?[/b]
[b]Do you have any posters memorabilia or albums of the Wu Tang Clan? if so post a pic (this will improve your chances by a lot.[/b]

I don't want to except buy ins for this award but if you're really that desperate you can pay me 50$ BTC.

DISCLAIMER: If I do not like you I will not give you this award no matter what. It's my award I can do as I wish if you don't like that then I'm not sorry :)

How did you discover the Wu Tang Clan? I discovered the Wu Tang Clan from actually watching a Tyler the Creator video, and seeing him bitch about being compared to the clan

How long have you been a fan? I have been a fan ever since I saw that video, which was probably like 5-6 months ago.

Favorite album they've made and why? My favorite album they made was probably Enter the Wu Tang: 36 Chambers because my favorite member is Ghostface Killah, and the first song I heard with him in it was Da Mystery of Chessboxin'

Favorite single they've made and why? My favorite single they've made has to be Method Man, because I like the start, saying all their names, and the beat of M-e-t-h-o-d Mannn.

Do you have any posters or memorabilia of the clan? Unfortunately I do not, because let's just say my parents don't "support" the clan very much, having heard some of the lyrics and vocals....


Power member.
How did you discover the Wu Tang Clan? I had heard about them because of how big they are, but my english professor showed me an actual song from them and I loved it

How long have you been a fan? Ever since my teacher showed me. (1 or 2 months ago)

Favorite album they've made and why? Fav album would have to be Wu Tang Forever, because the overall album experience is nice, and one of my fav songs of it is 'Reunited'

Favorite single they've made and why? My favorite single they've made would be Method Man, I feel like it has the best flow, although it gets a little boring towards the end. Either this or C.R.E.A.M.

Do you have any posters or memorabilia of the clan? I bought a jersey from the collaboration they had a while ago with Huf. It says Protect ya neck on the back, which is sick. (I feel bad because I bought it without knowing much about them)


based 😎
How did you discover the Wu Tang Clan?:
 A friend directed me to "C.R.E.A.M.", I also saw their album on a website I download from.

How long have you been a fan of the Wu Tang Clan?
Around 2012, till now.

Favourite album they've made & why?
Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), as it is one of their most iconic albums, what I listened to the most, some of their best songs in my opinion.

Favourite single they've made & why?
Wu-Tang: 7th Chamber - Part II, the beginning/whole song is catchy
Radioactive, goes hard.
Do you have any posters memorabilia or albums of the Wu Tang Clan?:
Just their albums.

I fux with Raekwon the most.