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Onyx user!
Title says it all.
In your opinion do they have health benefits, health problems?
Should it be legalized?
My personal opinion on this is, weeds not bad for you, it was placed on this earth naturally, also I believe things most people "believe" about it are things that have been pushed through their mind I too used to be one who believed it was very bad for you and led to the road of failure, until i had tried it got curious from knowing so many people who smoked it and where very successful in their lives. Which makes you wonder "hey I thought this stuff was supposed to make you stupid?"
As far as "Health benefits" go I believe it could be used as an effective pain killer but that's about as far as that goes.
For legalization i believe it would be a very effective way to pay of the national debt.
When a mexican drug cartel leader was arrested he stated "let me free and I will pay off your national debt" and i believe he could have.

As i said all of these are my personal opinions all are welcome just please don't flame the thread telling me my ideals are stupid and i'm stupid for believing them I am always willing to listen to anyone who can make valid points use things other than "that's the way i was raised"


Onyx user!
I'll share my opinions on weed as I read this, so please forgive me if my thoughts do not seem properly gathered.
Marijuana undeniably has health benefits, it helps to open capillaries in the lungs (similar to an inhaler, only natural). Have you ever smoked up and gone for a run? Cardio for days.

In fact, an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Champion, Nick Diaz, lives in California and has his medical marijuana card. He's got phenomenal cardiovascular endurance and has the best boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in his weight division. He smokes pot, and I'd bet he smokes it daily.

I don't want Marijuana to be legalized, legalization would mean taxation and I don't want to pay more for weed. I'm from B.C. so the cops here don't give a damn if they catch you smoking up, it's great :p. I'm all for legalization in California though. 70% of what is grown in B.C. is exported directly to California, (WHICH MEANS THAT YOUR DANK WEED IS IN FACT B.C. BUD, CALIFAGS!) so if California were to legalize, then the price of weed would drop here. That couldn't hurt! :cool2:

I agree with it being on the earth naturally. I mean Christ. If you think about it, everyone's on drugs!
Have a headache? Take this.
Back pain? Take this as well!
Can't sleep? here try this pill...
God forbid anyone should ever smoke any pot.

While binge drinking, brain damage is measurable and significant in 9 different areas of the human brain. However, if you smoke a little pot with the booze, the pot counteracts the negative effects of the alcohol and prevents any damage at all in 8 of those 9 areas. That's just a little gem that I found watching Manswers :p

I could cite references for what I've stated here, but I can't be bothered. If any of you disagree with what I've said here do a little research and you will see that I speak the truth :p


Onyx user!
I love all of these opinions and agree, also I would like to add, ever smoke a cigarette? You just did something worse for you than smoking a joint.

I also love how you added Americas' dependency on drugs.
And also I would suppose not just America but the whole world.


Onyx user!
I believe by supported fact that in no way does marijuana effect the human body. If the United States legalized it' it would be the best decision that they have ever made economically and spiritually because it is indeed a natural plant grown since the beginning of time. The only reason why it is not legal is because it is abused. And I don't think that the government should punish everyone for a handful of people that do abuse it, the plant hemp which is marijuana is used in everyday clothing. Therefor it is a natural plant support by yet again a fact. So I would 100% argue that marijuana should be legal. Thats my opinion... Thanks for asking!


Power member.
I used to blaze just so I could go to sleep.

I have severe insomnia.


Active Member
Every time I smoked marijuana, I had this sickening feeling. To be honest I hated the fact that I couldn't feel my thighs/legs. But I cannot lie, it was pretty fun with friends around. I am all for the legalization for marijuana.


its the only illegal drug i have/will ever take. i believe its a natural substance put on this earth just as tobacco was and if tobacco was legalised so should weed.

† Christian †

Onyx user!
This should not be a debate.


Onyx user!
weed, humm fuck weed, i've seen plenty of my mates, smart as hell start doing weed, and some of them got kicked out of school, smoking it and dealing it. One of my mates is having suicidial thoughts because he has been smoking it for soo long, and he has now become depressed. So i say screw weed :D

othewise if you like it, blaze away :D


Power member.
Ryu™ said:
weed, humm f*ck weed, i've seen plenty of my mates, smart as hell start doing weed, and some of them got kicked out of school, smoking it and dealing it. One of my mates is having suicidial thoughts because he has been smoking it for soo long, and he has now become depressed. So i say screw weed :D

othewise if you like it, blaze away :D

Bullshit, don't blame depression and suicidal thoughts on weed, that's your friend having a severe case of being a bitch.