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Ultimate Vaping Guide


Ultimate Guide To Vaping


1. What is vaping?
2. Beginners startup
3.  Advanced startup
4. RDA's, RTAs, Clearomizers.
5. Rebuilding
6. Sub Ohm'ing

7. Clones vs Authentics

8. FAQ

what is vaping?
Firstly, Vaping is not smoking
Ecigs / Vaping is intended for current adult smokers , that wish to continue enjoying their nicotine habit at a reduced risk. 
Vaping utilizes a Propylene Glycol or Vegatable Glycerin based liquid, mixed with small amounts of nicotine and food grade flavoring that then get vaporized in a small battery powered atomizer, Simulating the experience of smoking. The vapor created is inhaled and exhaled much like cigarette smoke hence the term “VAPING” as opposed to “SMOKING” 
Vaping is not proven 100% safe.  Although there are now more promising studies out there like the Clearstream study,  and IVAQS.  Additionally Dr Farsalinos has dedicated a lot of time and money into studying the effects of e-liquid and vaping on his website ecigarette-research.com . Certainly feel free to do your own homework regarding things like PG / VG and nicotine and decide for yourself if vaping is a road you want to go down.  I can categorically say that after 5 years of being tobacco free myself.  I have never felt better. 
Keep in mind that vaping and electronic cigarettes are not designed to be 100% safe.  They are tobacco harm reduction.  As I said above, they are designed for adults to continue enjoying nicotine at a reduced harm. 
Additionally while not categorized as a carcinogen nicotine is still essentially a poison and can increase blood pressure and heart rate in humans.  So please be careful and use at your own risk.

Beginners startup]  [/color]

So you're interested in vaping? You're probably wondering, "How do i get started and what do i need?"

Well you've come to the right place!

First things first you are going to want your vaporizer!

"How do I get one?"

Your local vape shop or online silly!

My first vape was my good ole' eStick off of www.shop.JuicyeJuice.com which
worked wonders for me and introduced me to the wonderful world of vaping!

If that doesn't float your boat here are some more beginner vapes that i recommend :)

VaporFi Pro Starter Kit
This starter kit is meant to get you into vaping. It is an eGo threaded starter kit that comes with the Pro-L cartomizer. It has a very close resemblance to the Evod clearomizer, and it works just as well! The kit comes with the following:
  •  1 650 mAh, 3.7 Volt Battery
  • 1 Pro-L Cartomizer
  • 1 USB Charging Cable
  • 1 Wall Charging Adapter
  • 3 Additional Atomizers
  • 1 User Manual
I like that it comes with a couple extra atomizers as well as the wall mount charger and usb charger. You also get to choose from 10 different colors, which is pretty awesome if you like a ton of options like me. It’s defiantly a nice fit for a beginner at a modest price of $49.99.


EVOD Blister Pack
If you are brand new to vaping, and you don’t want to go and spend all your money on a vape, that’s ok. You are just wanting to get your feet wet, and new to vaping than the Evod Blister Pack is for you. For starters, It’s only $10. You get the charger, battery and a EVOD clearomizer