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Twisted Fate Guide


Active Member
Forgot to mention when you first created the thread.
Well done, I never got into League of Legends, but I'm sure it's quite an achievement to have your guide approved (especially if it means that it's one of the best guides) Congratulations :)


Onyx user!
Hey Oxide, wat server u play on? i play Yi and guides for him


Power member.

Thanks :)


You better do, stop scrubbing around with BlitzCrank :p

EUWest as I said in my last League of Legends related thread, Master Yi is a good champion to play when you are learning about the game, then when you actually know anything about the game you realize that he doesn't fit into any of the roles required by the meta, well actually he could be a jungler but he has ok clear times, poor ganks and poor scaling.

I'd recommend picking up, Lee Sin for jungle and top lane, does well against noobs and pro's a very versatile champion.


Onyx user!
Okay ill go on and swap to ur thing? and wanna have a game


Power member.
a) You have to make a new account on play on EUWest.
b) I'm at work.
c) When I'm playing League of Legends I'm either attempting to gain elo, note "attempting" or training with my new team, but if you get u to level 30 I'll play some games with you. Sorry for seeming like an ass but I really can't stand the skill level of some players, even ranked players and Level 30 players piss me off, so if i was to play at you i'd probably just shout at you an correct you all the time, oh and it's no fun queuing with someone lower with you because it's like a insta win :(


Onyx user!
okay np :) im like lvl idk ill check

Okay i can't afford lee sin which guy should i buy? im lvl 9 5k influence points or watevre?


1. The Hp/lvl seals are completely useless... 180ish hp at lvl 18 is 1 hit from any champ... + You are playing TF, you are suppose to be a glass cannon.. I don't see how the seals are suppose to give you durability. The idea of AP TF is to do damage from afar which you do not need HP/lvl runes for... swap them out for ap/lvl or magic pen seals imho.

2. Your option 2 masteries, I don't get why you'd take that little mana per level instead of 9% faster respawn.. Especially with your ulti...

3. on your item building routes.. route 3. " Initatiors" dafuq?

Hope you found this constructive :O :D

Btw if you ever wna play I add me on west "Overlord Box"...

Ignore Lolking stats etc.. My little brother uses the account.. I playin on my Nordic account mostly nowadays "WhoAskedYou"

Also on NA "Overlord Box"...


Power member.
alonath said:
1. The Hp/lvl seals are completely useless... 180ish hp at lvl 18 is 1 hit from any champ... + You are playing TF, you are suppose to be a glass cannon.. I don't see how the seals are suppose to give you durability. The idea of AP TF is to do damage from afar which you do not need HP/lvl runes for... swap them out for ap/lvl or magic pen seals imho.

2. Your option 2 masteries, I don't get why you'd take that little mana per level instead of 9% faster respawn.. Especially with your ulti...

3. on your item building routes.. route 3. " Initatiors" dafuq?

Hope you found this constructive :O :D

Btw if you ever wna play I add me on west "Overlord Box"...

Ignore Lolking stats etc.. My little brother uses the account.. I playin on my Nordic account mostly nowadays "WhoAskedYou"

Also on NA "Overlord Box"...
1. They are excellent for mid game trading combinedwith our health in thr defense tree.

2.I don't plan on dying.

3.skarner,ww,mumu etc any super hard initators

4. You have no ranked stats?


Having the 9% faster respawn even at the small chance of dieing is still more helpful than the what 200 mana? at lvl 18?

There is no word "Initators" its "Initiators"

Like I said I'm mostly just playing on Nordic now..


Onyx user!
Honestly Oxide an amazing guide, My majority wins are with TF and Kennen as I usually play mid (Highest ELO is 2156).

The only thing I can change is the fact you put Kennen as an easy lane for TF. His tankiness and early game damage do hurt TF alot. Although your tanky runes/ masteries do suffice so I wouldn't give an advantage to anyone. TF is a pretty kitty character and a well played Kennen will simply proc his basic Eye of the Storm on TF, W and Q/E. Making him vulnerable for ganks and such. Just my 2cents but a really well written guide.


Onyx user!
Iv been playing dom with this guide, a bit different, ill post my TW results on my L.O.L thread l8, he owns thanks Oxide


Power member.
DrecliN said:
Honestly Oxide an amazing guide, My majority wins are with TF and Kennen as I usually play mid (Highest ELO is 2156).

The only thing I can change is the fact you put Kennen as an easy lane for TF. His tankiness and early game damage do hurt TF alot. Although your tanky runes/ masteries do suffice so I wouldn't give an advantage to anyone. TF is a pretty kitty character and a well played Kennen will simply proc his basic Eye of the Storm on TF, W and Q/E. Making him vulnerable for ganks and such. Just my 2cents but a really well written guide.

Thanks, I'll change that in, I only played 3 or so Kennen's and it was a bit hit and miss sometimes, your feedback is greatly appreciated @"DrecliN".


Onyx user!
Oxide said:
DrecliN said:
Honestly Oxide an amazing guide, My majority wins are with TF and Kennen as I usually play mid (Highest ELO is 2156).

The only thing I can change is the fact you put Kennen as an easy lane for TF. His tankiness and early game damage do hurt TF alot. Although your tanky runes/ masteries do suffice so I wouldn't give an advantage to anyone. TF is a pretty kitty character and a well played Kennen will simply proc his basic Eye of the Storm on TF, W and Q/E. Making him vulnerable for ganks and such. Just my 2cents but a really well written guide.

Thanks, I'll change that in, I only played 3 or so Kennen's and it was a bit hit and miss sometimes, your feedback is greatly appreciated @"DrecliN".

Just offering a second point of view :grin: