Stats for pking?


Onyx user!
I am working on B gloves And 94 mage but are the other stats good for pking? i got rapier

Get turmoil or you'll get raped at your level.
95+ str ,60 attack, 90+range, and 94 mage for veng should do it. hope this helped.

Don't think that he can afford 95 prayer, since he's in mystic robes. Piety should suffice, but pking is dead anyways, most people are raggers or rushers.
Ouch....85 def kinda ruins it. Defence is just a waste as it really just gets your cb level up.

Make a new account.
Boss on that one.
Then pk with the money from bossing on your new account.
Get turm, could use less DEF but a little late for that, huh? :p
Bot your defence and get rolled back. lmao. jk. get turm if you ever can.