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Speedthough Made My Day...


OS:Windows Xp

I was doing something with VB.net and suddenly my router quits with it
its just *TOTALY DEAD*
Well the lights still burning but he wont Connect me with Network
Neither my other PC
Well First my Connection was still here Because i got LAN
But my mom's Pc and my other Laptop didn't had an connection anymore
till i lost my Connection...
So, I called KPN and the told its very strange he couldn't even help yeah some Basic Things
Try CMD and Ipconfig just that stuff....
Well finaly i he told me you get an new Router :)

But my question is.
How can my router just Quit he just like 1 to 2 years old..
Never had problem's like this before.
Well i must say, I Portforwarding sometime's my Router.
For my Ps3 and Someother stuff.
But never did strange thing's with it.

Maybe strange to ask.
But Could it that my Router has ben Hacked??
i doubt it but just asking.

Well Cheers