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Selling 31 mw3 elite clan

White guy

I've been wanting to sell my clan for a while now and its level 31. The reason i am doing this is because my clan members never want to do clan ops any more. I have to pretty much treat them like their in the military to play clan ops so I am done with the clan. Message me if your interested and i will offer you a price, but we can discuss it what ever feels right. We only have 3 bronze and a lot of gold and silver. My clan members are not included you will have find your own.The clan is well known on mw3 unless you change the name and clan tag.


Power member.
What's the name of the clan, Clan Tag, type of title used, and what does the title SAY?

White guy

The clan is for xbox 360 and once you buy the clan you can change the title, clan tag, and what it says on the title. The clan is Called THE TOUGH GUYS. Clan tag says TAMF. Clan title is elite clan title 3 and says betoughordie

White guy

well it took me about 4 months to get the clan where its at. So i would say about around 150 to around 230

This clan took alot of work to get to this level and as I said before, we only have 3 bronze and the rest of the medals are mostly gold, and silver.

If you were to buy this clan you would have many advantages with this clan, it is a level 31 clan, so it would be easy to find members to join this clan and also you would get all the emblems and titles with this clan as well! And we are only 800 XP points from level 32. And it took almost 2000 to level 31 to get to level 32 in two weeks.

If the price range is not in your criteria I will work with you, and lower the price down! LET ME KNOW IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED.
If you would like to talk to me on XBOX live in a party, you can add me my gamer tag is: WHITExTOUGHxGUY
I will be on all day!

I am now willing to sell my clan up to 100 to 150

also this is not a scam i will give you my number and send you a picture of the clan and the level of it

IS THERE ANY OFFERS?.................................................


Power member.
Laughing my ass the fuck off @ 150-200 for a clan that you can just make your self and take a week to level up to 31.


White guy

ok ask any body you know. It doesn't take a week not even a month to get to level 31 not even getting the grand prize for all 3 each week

you probably dont even have premium with your poor ass


Power member.
I have a clan that is level 33.... you're calling someone poor but you're the one here selling shitty clans. Nuff said my guy.

White guy

ok like i said no body never wants to do clan ops so im done with it and im not just going to give it someone so yea


Power member.
I got a level 25 clan for $5, you really need to lower your price dude.

Buy elite clans

I will buy it just name me the lowest price you want it for.

I cant buy it for $200 no way but 60 yes $200 is way to high for a elite clan there was a level 50 selling for $80 but someone got it befor me so if its under $80 im in but high no way dontthink anyone would.

Faded Ghillies

Message me, Faded Ghillies on xbox live. Ill pay 30-40 dollars for that clan. You just have to tell me the details. If you cant reach me on xbox, email me at [email protected]. Thanks for your time, have a nice day.

Ghillies out.

I have gotten scammed before, so i know it all.