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just a guy
I know, this is probably a relief to everyone on here.

I am resigning due to my decreased activity on here, to be honest I have barely been doing anything lately on here, even moderation. I am sorry to all the people I have made pissed off. 
ForumKorner will always be my favorite place to relax and chill out with people and I will still be here, as this is not a farewell thread, just stepping down from my position peacefully. I hope everyone here the best of luck to their journeys on here!

People I would like to give a shout out to-

@Philly - Thanks for being a generous guy to me man, you are a great guy just going through some hard times. Like I said, I am still here to give you a helping hand when need be, and you know where to get a hold of me man. I wish you, and the forum the best of luck!
@Chill - You are one of the MOST relaxed guys I have met on this forum, regardless of your position. You know when to speak your mind, and I like that man, you are one of the most real staff members and I hope you stick to the forum as long as possible man. You know how to get a hold of me, and I hope we can still be friends.
@Fear - I know you don't really like me, nor accepted the fact that I was on the Staff team, so here is your big break man. You do your job great, you follow the rules and the right procedures. I hope you keep doing what you do best, as you are a very good person to be on the Staff team. Thanks a ton for your service and I hope you keep it up.
@Coltie2 - Well, hopefully we stay friends man, you were a great guy to work with, but even better to joke around with and talk to. I have probably talked to you the most. Very laid back and calm, and hilarious. Stick to the Staff team!
@Cam - Was a pleasure working with you, keep up the work! You are a very good guy, and trustworthy as well. I hope to see you in the Administrator group for as long as ForumKorner is up. Thanks for what you do for the forum, and thanks for being a good friend of mine. I hope we stay in contact.
Do not know really who else to shout out, as I don't really talk to anyone anymore. 

I am expecting tons of people to be happy for this so.

Well, hope to see you guys around.

Kik - Matigofk


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the work you put in while you were moderator. Good luck with your IRL goals.


Active Member
About god damn time.

Jk you were one of my favorite mods. Well, one of the of mods I only talked to besides coltie. Sucks you're resigning. Well, at least I can tell you jokes now without being scared of being banned.

Sucks that you're leaving the mods team, you were a really good mod :(


Well-Known Member
Ah damn bro, not happy to see anyone step down but if it has to be that way then fair enough. Real life is priority pretty much dude. Hope to still see you around.


Sorry it came down to this matigzzzz, I know you were extremely passionate about helping forum korner. Thanks for the time you put in! We can of course continue talking on discord or kik anytime :) @caskey


Power member.
At least you don't have to take FK so seriously anymore.


Sorry I just saw this. We haven't been talking as much lately because we've both been busy. I hope you take care of what you have to do.


Well-Known Member
We always had a bumpy road, at least we can talk now without you threatening to ban me.
Good luck on your real life adventures.