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People help me with ideas!!


So as i posted before in the life forum about my two disabled brothers, i've been thinking a lot as i've been having around some disabled people, and i think i can make a difference. i don't need a boyfriend, i don't need friends, i wanna make people happy and i want to help people. My moms always says how you should always give back and i wanna do more then that, but i'm not sure how to talk to her about it because i know i'm going to need her help setting everything up. anyways, i was in this thrift store the other day and they only let disabled people work there, supervised of course. anyways this disabled girl came out with someone she wanted and asked the lady to check her out, so she pulled out her wallet and dumped all her change out and when she found out she had enough money she was so happy (it was like $4.50) and i was just, i wanted to cry a little. I have everything i could ever want and so do my brothers, i want other people to not feel like they can't ask for something just because they're afraid they won't have money, it's so sad. Also, i found a girl in WA who inspired me. She holds a beauty pageant every summer for disabled girls so they can look beautiful too. I really wanna do that too, and i was thinking of a way to get disabled guys involved too and i was thinking they could walk the girls out on the stage and that way guys were involved to and maybe everyone can just meet NEW people, that they would have never met, i have so many good ideas lol And the money would go towards a cause, in my case a donation to familys, so on Christmas parents of the disabled don't bend themselves to see their kids happy. I get like $500 for christmas to spend on whatever, and i would love to just buy presents for familys. All this being said, i know before people told me to make a website, setup a donation, and other things but what would the website be about? Since i told you guys a little bit about what i wanna do can anybody help me out with ideas?


make the website: MakeAChangeWith.us and make it were there will be info about the date and time of the events you plan on making and info all about it.