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If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Onyx user!
It clearly depends on your definition of sound. If you describe sound as the sound waves and vibrations then it will make a sound. If you describe sound as something that a human hears then the answer is no, it does not make a sound.


Onyx user!
The answer is yes, just that nobody was around to hear it?


Onyx user!
Sounds are not Sounds there vibrations. Vibrations changed by little hairs in our ears make sound we hear... therefore there would not be Sound only vibration

i have the ultimate answer - if there is nothing or nobody around to hear it then that would mean there is nothing on the whole earth but that 1 tree, if it falls it would create Soundwaves or VIBRATIONS, since there is nothing around they cant bounce off anything Thus meaning there would be no soundwaves that hit any object making the noise... it would just Wave off out into nothing....