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I have a drug problem

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I have a huge problem with drugs that has ruined my life and made me loose many people I cared or gave a fk about I have a problem with meth and xanax I've tried many times to overdose and kill my self because of the shit I deal with constantly I really don't know how much more stress I can take I'm on the verge of snapping and having a mental breakdown so I result to doing alot of drugs to find peace... I know none of you give a fuck about what happend to me or where I have been but I'm not in the right state of mind right now peace


Onyx user!
trust me bro, Xanax is the devil.... but guess what i still fucking do them. Drugs have fucked my life up, my mom and family think i'm a junkie, and i'm only 17 bro.
i have been constantly fucked over by so many "friends" who just used me. Please bro don't try to end your life. do what ever you can to change negative thoughts into positive.


User is banned.
I know you might hear this from a lot of people, but it eill all get better eventually. Suicide is never the answer, nor self harming, or anything of that sort is worth it at all, in the following years the scars will scar you.
You have to keep your head up out of this sick world and out of this bullshit. Cry it out more, start venting your problems to people. You can do this and finally be happy. I'm here for you man. You can do it.


what you mean by "Loose many people i cared" in which way dont take this as an offense


Satanism said:
he meant "lose many people i care about"

ot; Damn Taylor, it's been a min. I'm always here to talk nigga, you know my skype and shit.
Yeah man i knew what he meant hahah but thanks anyway, i meant in what way did he lose them. Like death or just normally


Onyx user!
You'll get through it man. Don't kill yourself because you might think nobody gives a fuck about you but they really do. The same way some of us don't express our love to our family is probably the same way your family and friends love you. Life can be beautiful, but at the same time a living hell. Life is confusing. And that's the beauty of it.
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