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Guide to hiring staff


Hiring staff for a site is always a difficult process. You may be desperate to fill the position or you may have plenty of time and are just scouting for possible staff members. What you have to remember is when making someone staff on your forum you are giving them a position of authority that will affect your site. This is what makes staff recruitment such a hard task.

Ask yourself a few questions before you hire someone that has applied.

  • Who are they?
  • What is their reputation?
  • How much do you know about them?
  • Can you trust this person?
  • Do they have the skills required to do the job?

We here at Forum Launchers are here to help you. We reccomend that you don't recruit a member that only has a few posts. Members that have been here a while are known to us and we can give you feedback on them. Feel free to contact a Team Leader or Admin if you would like information about a user that has applied for staff on your site.

When interviewing someone that has applied for staff don't forget to ask them about their experience, why they are applying for staff and a little about themselves. You want a staff member that feels comfortable speaking to you and that can come to you with issues if they have any.

Don't jump the gun, even if you are desperate, let things take a little time and you will be rewarded by finding a staff member that is perfect for your forum.