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[FREE PRE-ORDER] Learn to live with life.


Active Member
I don't want to give away too much but basically this ebook will be about life's cycles and basically how life is structured based on occult astrology. This will give you a heads up on how to solve your next decision and how to better react. I wanted to make this ebook free but that would be good to you because anything you receive for free you don't really treasure the way you should and eventually you won't learn anything because sociologically it doesn't have the same value that a ebook that cost you $50 had. When you see it's $50 then you'll work hard to get the money for it, once you'll get it you will study every word of it because you've been wanting it so bad... if you simply download a free ebook then it won't hold the same value which is why my ebook will be paid. It'll cost $5 and most of it will be pictures and audio clips of me, I'll also offer full support with a microphone.

So again, this will be a $5 ebook explaining how life's events sprout, how to predict them, and understand how life works.

I'm making this thread to decide if there will be any demand for it and you can also pre-order it with no money down. I will also be offering to pay 50% of the fee for this ebook http://marketforums.org/Thread-5-5-Reviewed-1-Motivation-and-Social-Engineering-with-NLP because I love it so much and always vouch for it.

I'll be happy to answer any questions.


User is banned.
Im pretty sure he must ask for a review before you post about it? I believe this is against the rules as a reviewer? Anyways, this looks like a OK eBook and might consider buying.


Active Member
-.- there's nothing to review because I haven't wrote it yet.
Right now Fear is on the fence about it so that's not much of a demand, if I get more responses then I might do it.


Active Member
Roobik said:
-.- there's nothing to review because I haven't wrote it yet.
Right now Fear is on the fence about it so that's not much of a demand, if I get more responses then I might do it.

Oh well, that made me lol.

I'd buy it, as I said before. If I get enough money.

And thanks again. :smile: