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farmer100 suggestions Avoid Runescape hacks


What is the runescape account recovery used for?

You can recover your runescape account by using the recovery when your runescape account get hacked or blocked. If you have never set recovery for your guy, it will be active when you set it first time. If you have set recovery before, your new set recovery will be active after 14 days. You can cancel the new set recovery too before 14 days runing up. When your runescape account is blocked, you can find it back with your recovery too. But if you select recover a hacks account, when you get it back the used recovery will be canceled. So you need to set recovery again, and the new recovery will be active at once.

In my experience the recovery is important but not so important. I have tried to get my runescape account back without present recovery. What I used is the creation information. Such as created date and place, internet provider when it was created, earliest password etc.

So if your runescape account get hacked. Don't be tension. You can use your recovery to get it back easily. If you have no recovery you can use your original message to recover it and select recover a hacks account. When you get it back, reset new recovery it will be active at once. This is to protect account creater. So keep these information safe never discover them to anybody. If someone steal them and try to recover your runescape account, it will get blocked. So take care.