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[E-Book] Beastly Online Revenue


Active Member

Hello there.

After reading up serveral e-books discussing how to make money online, I came up with one by myself.

It talks about well known methods such as CPALead and Autodesk keys BUT it comes with a bonus! A Traffic book. Now you will start earning. You see, most of the time people but CPALead e-books, they learn about it and that's it. I don't want that to happen to you so I'm adding a book to help you actually getting traffic and earn money with your CPALead widgets.

The bonus book is called "7 Totally Free Ways To Get More Traffic". I have Private Label rights over it, they say I can sell it, I cannot give it away for free though, so I'll lower the cost of my e-book to "sell" that one. :D

Title: Beastly Online Revenue + 7 Totally Free Ways To Get More Traffic
Author: Zammyslave
Pages: 11 + 13
Description: Making money with CPALead and Autodesk software.
Payment Options: Paypal.
Copies Available: Unlimited
Review Copies Available: 1, for Reviewers or staff.
Resale Rights: $30, you can resell the bonus e-book without buying any rights because I can give you the same rights for no extra charge.
Price: $5

Buy it now and start earning!

I thought I'd revive this now.


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Quality of Information 5/5: Very easy to follow and very detailed. Lots of screenshots also for users who might struggle.
Ease of Use 4.5/5: Once again it's very easy to follow this, though if you're less experienced with websites you might struggle a tiny bit.
Layout 5/5: Very easy on the eye, big font and not squint-worthy.
Grammar 4.5/5 : Few errors here and there but they are tiny and not noticeable.
Originality 4.5/5: Lots of CPALead E-books out there, this differs though as you get the extra traffic ebook with it.

Overall Rating - 4.5/5.

I recommend people buying this.


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