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Dog died today


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Stay strong dude, I don't know what I would do if one of my cats died.


FeaR said:
Only way to get pass this is with time. My dog died last year had him for 11 years. I still think of him often and miss him dearly. It's weird I was way more sad about my dog dying than I was when some relatives died. Hang In there.
I'm assuming you weren't very close to those relatives. The bond you had with your dog is much more powerful than with somebody you see once a month or season. Emotions are more heavily tied to stronger bonds. People assume that humans are naturally supposed to care more about about other humans. Well, that's almost true. Humans only care for things that they can easily care for. Centuries ago, animals weren't really reasonable things to care for. Don't worry about being more sad for your best friend than your relatives. It's more than alright.


Power member.
Losing animals is awful. I had to carry my dog to the vets a few months ago because her heart suddenly started failing so badly that she couldn't walk more than 2 metres without having to lay down and struggle for breath.

They put her down there and then because her heart was too far gone.. :(

Was horrible seeing her like that because she was always so energetic and hyper (part Collie, part German Shepherd) and she used to run around all day everyday until a week before her heart gave up. It was really sudden and even now, it's weird to not take her for a walk like I normally would in the evening. It's a weird to not have a fluffy dog curled up on the sofa while i'm watching TV.
As with anything though, it just takes time to move on. I had my dog for over 13 years (more than half my life) so it's been very strange and hard to adapt to not having her around.


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Sorry, I used to not like my dog but now I love her. Stay strong.

Supa Hot Fire

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I'm so sorry this happend to you man I hope you will forget or feel less sad about it in the coming day's and even maybe buy a new dog to replace his memory.