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Diss track (with story)


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I am aware this isn't in the music section just because there's a back story to this diss track I wanna talk about. So I was at a party with a bunch of my boys, we were just chilling, getting fucked up. I left around 1am because I had to be home but all my boys stayed there were about 10 of them. What happened later that night was crazy. So the owner of the house told all my boys to get the fuck out so they argued and left and there was around 40 heads waiting outside with bottles, knifes, and crowbars and hopped all of my boys. It was bad. I have a picture of one of my boys faces and it is just horrible. Im not gonna post it for his sake but hes going in for surgery next week and he might loose his eye because of how bad it was. Anyways, the guys who jumped everybody released a diss track acting hard since they hopped a bunch of niggas a couple years younger than them, and got their average 100 views. My boy who got hopped badly with the fucked up eye released a diss track and it went fucking viral, everyone in the school knew about it. Even the teachers. It got 2,000 viewers the first couple days it was released. Tell me your opinions

Check it:
Some back information; the kids who hopped them were justice, clarence, caleb and a few others. Justice got sent to jail last year and was forced to drink his own piss for food lmao.


Damn dude brutal nice diss track tho m8