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Disappointing story of my life. (really..really long)


Onyx user!

The Intro:

No idea why I'm posting this. Perhaps its because I have nobody to reach out to these days. All my old buddies I would run around on the streets with gets in too much trouble for me to deal with. Two kids I raise on my own. My only best friend died. Girlfriend and I broke up. Basically lone wolfing it everyday. But here is my story and sorry for any grammar mistakes today has been one hell of a day which will be at the end of this post and I just want to say this and lay down.​


The Childhood.

My mother. What can I say about her? She made my life hard as hell. As if it wasn't hard enough getting jumped by 5 black guys in the ally walking home from elementary school. I remember waking up at night to my mother standing there, with a glass of milk in her hand. Telling me I need to drink this. I'm talking about at like 3 in the morning, out of no where. This was going on for a few days and I was clueless. To find out.. she thought my father was poisoning me. What? Why? No clue. Still wonder about that.

Another day, and this one will probably trip you out the most and I only told a few people...because its so...bazaar & embarrassing.. that I'm pretty sure NONE OF YOU had to deal with this one:


The day my mother thought I was a girl... then tried to pay to see my dick.

I don't remember that much from this day nor how old exactly I was, but I do know I'll never forget this for long as I live. Being 7-9 It was obvious I was unaware of my mother's illness, but everything changed when she literally asked to see my penis. Of course I'm like "No wtf!?!" Her response was " I had dream last night that you was a girl.". I didn't look like a girl, played with barbies, although I remember seeing a picture of having a "rat tail" which Itself is just a crime to humanity itself. So this puzzled me for many years growing up as a kid.


The homeless shelter.

No way I'm forgetting this one. Still young, confused of my mothers actions, one day she was fighting with my father and thought she would take my sister and I away from our home.We walked the streets for miles while my mother tries to remember where she left her keys. She must of remembered they was at her mothers because thats where we ended up going.

Because she is flying off the handle at her parents they refused to give her the keys. My mother starts throwing shit and yelling at them ... the police gets called. Next thing I know we was all outside while my mother was screaming "my parents fed me shit when I was a child!!!" repeatedly as we walked away.

Miles and miles of walking later we ended up at some homeless shelter. We get into the 1 bedroom and first thing I noticed is huge cockroaches scattering about on the floor and walls. I was sick to my stomach. I was only in the 4th grade or so then so it was pretty upsetting to me when my own mother tried to keep me from going to school, I liked school.

The next morning I awaken before anyone else.. face it really I didnt get any damn sleep who could? I wanted to get my sister and I out of there but she was so little and fighting to get her from my mother was a battle I knew i couldnt win... so I left. Walking the streets clueless where to go but using my best judgement I finally found my school, but I didn't go instead I just went home and slept where I knew i'd be safe.


The Now.

I'm 24 now but living at home ..again. I've been living on my own since I was 17. Let me explain why.


The Passing.

A nightmare I'll never forget, the day Daniel died.
Started off as a really nice summer day. Was 14 just got laid for the first time everything was going very smoothly for once. I was walking home from her house and my friend John walks up and asks if I wanted to so swimming and I said..."Yeah, hey lets go see If Daniel wants to go??"

We ended up getting most of our group there it was about 6-8 of us coming and leaving while at the lake. Everybody but Daniel was in and our of the water. We even had this huge rope that some crazy ass kid climb up under the bridge above and tied. Everybody was having fun until we all hear Daniel yell for help.

I was stunned on this pyramid looking block in the water yelling to the closest guys to grab him. John goes over and really you couldnt see anything that was going on. John said Daniel was holding onto his shorts and he started to drown aswell. Steven tried to pull him up to the edge as much as he could but with Daniel struggling like he was he couldnt help him that well either, also.. it was over 12 feet deep of water and it starts almost as you walk off the bank.

Running in fear we ran around stopped a car to call for help. A scuba diver found him after 10 minutes and the pronounced him dead at the hospital.


The Wife.

When I was 16 I met this girl named Macy from a party at my friends lances house. He was pretty rich considering where he lived and where I was living. I barely spoke to her and somehow from connection through friends she found out where I lived, my classes, so on. She started coming over to my place with a mutual friend. We started talking and she seemed cool at first. Never dated a girl with tattoos and a lip piercing before so it intrigued me. One thing follows another and

OOPS... pregnant.

Thing was fine though. Bought a car, got an apartment, everything ready. Things was fine for a few years...alot of hiccups here and there. Until my little girl was born. She got a good job and because mine sucked I stayed at home with my baby girl.She started to home home 4 hours after her shift, then to not at all staying the night at coworkers houses getting drunk and high. Until something happened that she refused to tell me, i always assumed she cheated on me by how this guy would bring her home and shit drunk as fuck.

That blew over, we had another baby this time a boy we named Ayden. We move into a 3 bedroom house, big and clean place I loved it. Everything needed to live a relaxing lifestyle. Until one month she started acting different. You all know what Im talking about when you start getting this..gut feeling right?! She told me she was going to this thing in Indianapolis called "Amp Guard" where bunch of dudes play with fake foam swords role playing. Ever seen the movie Role Models? That.

I knew instantly what she was shes been planning behind my back because I seen text messages from a guy named Norm with normal casual conversation (assumed fast? nahh continue the story) I told her, I know whats going on. If you go, I will be leaving aswell and be taking the children with me. She was hesitant about leaving out the door...but she left. (tip: the smarter choice for me was to kick her out...)

She had her cell off the whole time and few days later I get a text saying she is coming back. I called her. I asked one simple question:

"Did you have sex with him?"

She replies back with a Yes. I hung up. I felt the worse heartache I have ever experienced. Because of that feeling...lol I went a little nuts and asked her micro questions about it... why? No idea. Guess iwanted to make it more real. She had sex with the guy in a tent.

Okay because I already made this thread longer than I planned I'm going to shorten the rest.

A year later I got back with her (derp) and she did it again... moved the guy in (derp. should of kicked her out again) then she sold my xbox360, flat screens, ps3, computer, guitar...all of it.

The present: I have both kids, we live at my fathers. She is on heroin and has a mohawk.


The Crazy Ex Girlfriend.

Bitch did the same shit, sold my tvs, new slim 360, WREAKED my car./ Before that her ex boyfriend was jealous of it and shot the fucking thing up. Left 3 bullet holes in it.

I still dont have a car.



So because she wreaked the car I struggled having a job for the entire year of 2012. I knew my tax check would be lower than normal (which is 6-7k)... I'm getting 2k back.

My thoughts: Okay I can get a car... get back to work! Just have to wait for the money because I filed 3 days ago..

NOPE.. guess what fucking happens. MY LUCK HAPPENS.

My grandmother wanted me to run to the store for her, she is old so of course. But it started to be a daily thing for everybody in this house. Day in and out... can you go here and there??

I go down the street to the store get what I need and on the way back...The car slides on ice and hits a fucking parked car. My grandma doesn't have insurance for whatever reason and now I have a court date ...and its on my birthday feb 25th. The fucking cop towed the car away aswell to be a dick.

Screws me out of my money and now I catch the heat for helping my grandmother.

My luck is SHIT. I thought about ending my life because I can never catch a break. I vowed 2014 would be a better year, no girl setting me back and I can focus on my babies once I got a car again. I feel fucking horrible with the life they started out with because of their fucking retarded mom. I'm so screwed.


If you are still reading, props to you. So much to say so I'm sure half or most of it is written poorly but its 3:11am here and with the..weird situations ive been in its hard to express myself in a way that makes sense to you guys. Thankyou for read it does help to get this shit off my chest.


Active Member
Shit and I thought I was the only one who was having a shitty life on this forum, at least you're not another attention craving 15 year old. Ever need to vent out, hit me up.


User is banned.
Holy shit that's bad luck... great story though. Hope everything works out fine.


Active Member
Holy crap, dude I don't even know what to say...I hope things get better bro. I'm sorry all this happened to you :/


Hi Cam Zen,

I want to start off by letting you know that your situation is extremely unfortunate. I did in fact read this whole thread without any hesitation whatsoever. I am extremely sorry that you had to go through a tonne of shit. What I am extremely intrigued and admired by is the fact that no matter what happened, you kept going. You always found a way to get your life back on track and that is extremely admirable, considering your state and even the fact that you have two children, which I'm sure are extremely beautiful. One thing I don't want you to do is end your life. Think of all the negatives, but the main one:
  • Your children growing up without a father

This one reason should keep you extremely determined and make you want to do something special with your life. We all have bad luck and yours is extremely unfortunate to an extent. You have something to live for, your life is so valuable and worth living, I can't even explain to you how important it is. I am going to state 2 scenarios that are a huge possibility and a factor you should keep in mind. They are: "What would happen if you killed yourself?", and "What would happen if you didn't?"

Scenario 1 (Suicide):

"You end up putting a bullet through your head. Your father comes home and sees you dead on the ground with a note in your palm stating all the wrong that has happened in your life. He becomes severely depressed and has to manage his grandchildren until his days are over. Your kids grow up, without a father to teach them life lessons. Without a father who will help them with their homework, without a father who will take care of them and love them, just how their mother should have. They're 14, diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, put in an orphanage. Suicidal thoughts, self harm every single day. They grow & grow, start partying and taking all the drugs they can get their hands on, become criminals and disobey the law. Drinking and violence, your son marries a woman. He is abusive and hits her every day, not remembering a single thought due to binge drinking. Your daughter, becomes a prostitute just to pay the bills, she has little money to spend on herself. They both live a miserable life."

Scenario 2: (Living):

"You don't end up pulling the trigger, you decide to live through the rough times because in the end, it will always be better. You will get through this all, you will get a good paying job and a car to get you from A to B. You will earn enough money to get a living, you set your priorities and accidentally find a beautiful, attractive and faithful woman. You start seeing each other for a while, and after a few years of having a stable job and steady flow of income you decide to get married. Your kids are now able to look up to you. They have a mommy. She takes care of the kids, takes them to school, feeds and cleans them, and teaches them. They grow up and are having good grades, they set their goals and they know what they want to be in life. They're both in their 20's. Have an amazing job and income, looking after each other. They're both married and have children, all because you did not end up taking your own life."

I want you to personally take these scenarios in because they are probable. They CAN happen, my friend. Suffer now and live the rest of your life in peace. I promise you it will get better, and I am so proud of you because you have lived to read this post, and to take all of this in. I want you to know that I am always a private message away. I have gone through tough times and even though you are 9 years older then me, I still believe I can help you. You just need to set your mind on what you want, and go and get it. Financial problems will be the least of your problems in the next few years I promise you that.

On to the death of your best friend, I am extremely sorry and to what I believe, I pray that he is in a better place not suffering anymore. Remember the scenarios, you choose the life of your two beautiful children. We're all here for you.


Onyx user!
I want to thank you all for the posts, especially you Michael for taking your time and writing out the scenarios like you have. After posting this I had a long conversation with my father who was feeling sympathetic for me and all but honestly I don't enjoy people having for me ..but like how I explained in great detail to you guys, I explained in detail to him why I felt like I couldnt continue to live with all the odds stacked against me and how I try to live a semi-honest live here for my children that no matter how hard I tried the same result is the final outcome.

But he was able to calm me down, help me come up with a game plan to keeping most of my money and hopefully avoid getting my licence taken away, so I can still get a car and have a better chance at rebuilding my life that has been forcefully taken from me many of times.

I feel alot better after a good nights sleep and my father helping me figure out what to do now. Last night I felt as if once again it was all being taken away from me. All I want right now is a car, walking distance to jobs and with how cold it is.... the snow on the ground it makes it really hard to even build up the energy to walk in that crap everyday to do what I need to do.

My mind set right now is everything will get better. When court comes hopefully I can talk my way out of most of this mess. Hopefully I can fix my grandmas car and get a job to pay off these damages I owe without it taking all my $2,000, because really I need every bit of that 2k for the cost of the car, plates, insurance, registering and gas.

Once again thank you guys for reading and replying, I ..THINK I may have a way out of this mess but only time will tell. If I'm able to keep most of my tax money and not lose my license over last night I should have a possible chance of getting back on me feet.