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Are we done?


So me and my gf of 2 and a half years are "taking a break". It was somewhat agreed upon by both of us. But deep down I think we might be done. The only issue is we are also best friends. Do you guys think we are done for good? Can we still be best friends if we break up? I'm really confused right now in life.  I'm 20 years old, I feel like I should be traveling and going places, doing fun things and partying. But at the same time I love her. Being best friends has made us loose the romantic part of the relationship though:/ Idk what I'm really asking you guys. But any words of wisdom or advice? Please no stupid answers.


discord: aguny
Honestly, I'm in a position similar to this with my ... fiance. Yeah. 19 years old and engaged. Like, I also feel like I should be out living life, having fun, partying, but I also have that love for her. Man, you just have to really take a step back and ask yourself- do I really love her? And talk to her, even though it may hurt. But just ask if she truly loves you. The truth will set you both free.


Active Member
You know, I've seen these things go both ways being someone who has only ever had one relationship and experienced both hands.

You're meant to see your other-half as your best friend, that's when it gets serious.. I wouldn't consider being best friends with your girlfriend a problem as that's what makes it fun. It's like every night is a sleep over with your best pal only sometimes they can get on your nerves.

A break can either mean she wants time to explore and see other people or she just needs time because she has a severe personal issue, give her space and time.

She will either realize that she is happier being without you but still having you as a friend, happier being without you completely or she will realize how much she takes you for granted and will severely miss you.

Regardless what happens, make sure its what you want.


Power member.
Best of luck figuring it out man, hope u get better soon.


Active Member
I am sort of in the same situation as you and @The Gentleman

I hope you work these things out my man. I agree with agony, you really just need to be honest with yourselves.


Power member.
Meh, after a while some people tend to get bored or grow apart, might be one of those things. If you do break up it could be awkward for a while but if you are really good friends then I'm sure that things will work themselves out.

Nevertheless, hope you sort it!