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$1 Tags


User is banned.
Dislecksia - http://gyazo.com/26a1bc2e45aae35d531678fc07aecbed
Water Paint - http://gyazo.com/2b51ebda6d446265a8dde6b0016b42e3
Trenching - http://gyazo.com/0c130206d93f0904192f0207b6f32ee0
Dubstep Drum - http://gyazo.com/59d38d43373152d5af23a21c7037489d
Troll JPG - http://gyazo.com/3466ee98cfbd8f4256a9193b993dfed5
Reachinq - http://gyazo.com/791cd189d7b42b7eed0279f0be51964b
KnioY (Yoink Backwards) - http://gyazo.com/52bf76bfe2b06dd418fdaf3d93535716
LAN Parties - http://gyazo.com/b0029892ffcce746dd0cd679a2e90f63
H3 DDoS - http://gyazo.com/f200ac493e71b959eb540a27519e166a

This will be going towards purchasing MC accounts. I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go to bed in 5 minutes. I'm willing to go first since I'm a new user. If you are interested in a tag, pm or post.