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WTS AWESOME ACCOUNTS Molten wow Realm Deathwing


New Member
Hello there, im quiting wow and got 3 awesome premium accounts that i would like to sell in Molten WOW Deathwing Realm.

Account 1: PVP ret pala 6.3k gs / Hpala 6k gs
Shadow Priest PvP 6.3k gs around 80k gold on it.
Rogue PVP 5.5k GS.

Account 2: This is my best account, has 200k gold on it.
Warrior TANK 6.5Kgs PVE.
Death Knight Frost DPS Dual Wield with 284 Ilvl weapons, 6.5K gs PVE ( also have a two hand weapon ilvl 284 )
PVP SPEC for this DK has 5.9k GS. ( This char has also 70 mounts on it )

Acciount 3: Resto Druid PVP 5,5k gs
MAGE with 2 hc trinkets, hc weapon, and some other hc items, 6.1k GS PVE.
DK 5.5k PVP
200k on mage and more 200k gold in guild bank that i own to deposit some stuff.

contact me mgtoclan@hotmail.com for more info,
