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Windows 7 Still Number 1, Windows XP Continues Decline in December


Active Member
The latest figures revealed by Net Applications confirm that users are finally dumping Windows XP in the favor of newer Windows versions, with the 11-year old software recording a market share of 38.98 percent for the week of December 2.

That’s a decline of almost 1 percent in a fairly short timeframe, as Windows XP had a share of 39.82 percent in November.

XP, however, remains the second choice for computer users around the world, as Windows 7 continues to lead the OS world with a share of 45.82 percent, a slight increase from the previous 44.71 percent recorded in November.

Windows 8 still struggles to take off, with early December figures revealing a market share of 1.46 percent, up from the 1.09 percent share last month. Windows RT, dubbed Touch in Net Applications’ data, currently holds a share of 0.03 percent.



Power member.
My other laptop still runs with co an I won't be upgrading it I love xp but win 7 is just boss