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Why is Religion Earth specific?


Active Member
Before you all call me crazy, just read the thread. No this isn't referencing aliens, rather, just something I was thinking about earlier.

Christianity refers to God as being the divine creator, correct? What makes Earth so special, exactly? With light years of space and galaxies, why is was the Messiah summoned here?

Curiously enough, I believe there are people pre-Socratic time period that took in the idea of other galaxies and places into religion, but the Earth, and Religion itself is young compared to the universe as a whole.

If God, who created everything from nothing, because he could make something from nothing, and nothing into everything, why wait until Earth formed for any sort of scripture, or idea that earth is the focal point, and home to the idea of divine creation?

Either I'm off something weird, or pose a real question. My brain hurts. Feel free to comment, this isn't really a debate, would just like to see other people's ideas.


User is banned.
I've never thought about the statement you made about time. My brain now also hurts.


Power member.
Agony said:
Pretty philosophical.

Perhaps this being, Divine creator, God, or whatever we'd like to call it, was trying to create the perfect environment for Life and Earth suited the job.
If so, why is there suffering on earth ?

This "Divine creator" must be retarded if he can't even create the perfect environment for life.


Onyx user!
Only read through post once, but read it enough to know that I've also had thoughts like this. If "God" created everything, how come this wouldn't apply to other planets?


ForumKorner Supporter!
Shift said:
If so, why is there suffering on earth ?

This "Divine creator" must be retarded if he can't even create the perfect environment for life.
in the bible this is explained by adam and eve fucking everything up for us and realizing what sin was


Onyx user!
Agony said:
Maybe he.... died extracting all of his/her/it's power into what is now Life.

Very curious - what do you view god as?

Is he all powerful? Is he all-knowing? Is he all loving? All three? One or two of the above?

If he's all of the above, how do you reconcile the three? How can he love us if he's letting us suffer and has the power to fix it? Wouldn't it make logical sense for him to stop our suffering if he has the power to? Doesn't that imply that he isn't all-powerful?


Well-Known Member
@patelpb hey pal you're 4 months late to this thread, try to stick to newer threads or start your own.


Onyx user!
Rare said:
@patelpb hey pal you're 4 months late to this thread, try to stick to newer threads or start your own.

I saw that it was old but I was hoping that I could revive some old discussion.

I'm guessing that doesn't really fly. Won't happen again!
