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~~ Vaping 101 ~~


Power member.
So, if you are new to this, I can help you.

You have 4 Options:
- Cheap
- High Wattage Box Mods
- High Quality Box mod
- Mechanical Mod

Cheap - 50$
If you want cheap...  (50$ without any spare coils)

Skip the disposable, ego pens and ce4 tanks, these are all very bad quality, and not worth your money.

And get the Nautilus Mini + iStick 20 Watt mod.

This is if you want a small relatively cheap and small mod.

The Nautilus Mini tank is great for beginners, or anybody that just doesn't want to make their own coils.

Use 50/50 VG/PG Eliquid for this

High Wattage Box Mods ~ 100$

If you want high watts.

I would recommend a Sigelei 100 Watt Plus Box Mod. This has a few safety features unlike mechanical mods, but they are bigger, heavier and more expensive.

You will need an RBA for this, as well as two 18650 batteries that have a high amp rating (Check Below)

I would not recommend using the charge port on your box mod if it is included. Use a specific charger, you do not want to overcharge your battery. If you do, you risk damaging your battery, and more importantly yourself.

High Quality Box Mod -180$

You will need an
If you want high quality box mods (EXPENSIVE)

The VaporShark rDNA 40 would be right for you.
The charger on this box mod is great for charging, so no extra chargers are needed. Whether or not you want some more batteries to carry with you is up to you. Check Below

Mechanical Mods - Advanced Users

Mechanical Mods - Cheaper, more aesthetically pleasing, but don't have added protection, shorter battery life.

Mechanical Mods are usually 30-40$ for the clone versions depending on what you get.
I would recommend an SXK Stingray X Clone. This has copper contacts, which means less voltage drop.


Three things you will need for rebuilding/safety

- Ohm Reader/Multi Meter
- High Amp Rated battery (Check Below)
- Good charger with overcharge protection (Check Below)

You will need good 18650 batteries and a good charger as well, check below.

What I'd recommend you get: Inline voltage meter, if you don't have a multi meter.
 Check the voltage of the battery every once in a while. You do not want to discharge your battery under around 3.5 volts.
If you do, you again risk damaging your battery and your body.

Once again, you will need an RBA.

RBA Information
As for an RBA, you have two routes.

RTA - Rebuildable Tank Atomizer ( Much less airflow then RDA's)
A great one is the Kayfun Lite v2 EHPro clone version, which is 35$ on Eciggity.
If you want to get an authentic RTA, it will run you more then 100$.

RDA - Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer, commonly reffered to as a Dripper

Great RDA's

For Big "clouds" (Means lots of airflow, lung hits) The Mutation X V2 is a great choice, 23.95 on EBay. This one can also be closed off since it has adjustable airflow, and this one is an authentic
For big flavor (Means less airflow, mouth to lung hits) Plume Veil 1.5 Clone on Eciggity.

But with an RBA, you will need to rebuild your coils. This is a lot of work at first, which is why I would recommend getting a coil jig off of Fast Tech for 3$

Kanthal is the best wire for rebuilding coils. I would recommend buying 25 feet of 26 gauge Kanthal wire on Lightning Vapes for about 4$. Use coupon code LV20 for 20% off.


You want a multi meter/ohm reader if you are using a mechanical mod. You do not want to go over your amp limit of your battery.

Sony VTC 5 Batteries would be the best, since they are rated for 30 amps, which means you could build lower in ohms, but they are no longer in production.

The best one so far is the Samsung 25r battery. You can get this at Illumn.com for around 7$ each. A case is also nessecary, so you don't accidentally touch the batteries with some metal when they are being carried.

With these 18650 batteries, you will also need a good charger. The NiteCore d4 charger is the best, but if you want something cheaper the Nitecore i4 is also pretty good. These have battery overcharge protection.

With the samsung 25r batteries when you are building your coils I would strongly not recommend building below .21 ohms (For RDA Only - the insulators on the RTA would melt, so stay above .8 for those). This is 20 amps at 4.2 volts, which is the standard 18650 battery voltage.

The lower in ohms you go, the quicker the ejuice will heat up, thus bigger clouds, and a warmer vape.

For the ejuice itself, get only Max VG with less then 6 mg of Nicotine. This might not seem like a lot of nicotine for some, but the throat hit you get is immense with RDA's.

TL;DR: Rebuilding is for those who want bigger clouds, and more flavor. The flavor on that of a dripper is 20x better then in a tank like the Nautilus Mini. Vapor production IMMENSELY increases.

I know many of you guys here are under age or are new to vaping, I STRONGLY advise against using anything besides the cheap option. The Istick + Nautilus Mini are sufficient for many and do not require you to rebuild, but you will have to buy spare coils. They are like 12$ for 5 spares.

This is primarily for more advanced users, who know how to build coils and such.

If you guys have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

All credits for this go to me, I took about 20 minutes writing this up.


User is banned.
I have the V3 Vaporizer from PuffNuggs.com

They have some of the best vaporizers on that site. All really top quality, but their a little pricey.


Power member.
Fireworks said:
I have the V3 Vaporizer from PuffNuggs.com
They have some of the best vaporizers on that site. All really top quality, but their a little pricey.
That is most definitely not a good deal. If you do not want to use the wax or dry herb part of it, then you are pretty much going to be paying 70$ more then you should.
As for the "best", nothing is the "best", it just depends on what you prefer.
I myself would prefer a mechanical mod. Its bigger, and requires more work, but the satisfaction from the hit would be much greater.


User is banned.
I use all the attachments. Wax, Dry Herb, and Liquid. ;P


Power member.
Wonderful thread, @"Ohm"! Thanks for making this.

Btw, I just ordered an iPV V3 from madvapes.com.


User is banned.
This is a pretty guide, and your probably right on about people just finding out about vapes lmao.


Power member.
Seven said:
Thank you for this thread, I just ordered something last week, and this would of been very helpful. My old Vape got a little messed up.

What did you buy last week and how much did you pay for it?


User is banned.
What site should i use for the broke boy option?