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[TUT] How To Protect Yourself From Viruses


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How-To: Protect yourself against Viruses!
Writen by Simba1337, not leeched!

  • I had an idea and started to write this thread on how-to be protected against viruses. It's for newbies. I'm sure tons of peoples already knows this.

AntiVirus Programs
  • Nod32
  • AVG
  • kaspersky Internet Security(recommended)
  • Norton
  • ...

I'm using Nod32 and so far i've been infected only once because i had my AV off! Never turn your AV off when downloading anything from the internet, if there a AV message popups and tell you that there's a trojan in it leave it and don't try to download it only if it's a false virus.

How-To not get a virus on your PC!

Try to avoid downloading files that are posted by new members on forums. Everytime ask for a virus scan on VirusTotal but if it's releated hacking ask for a NoVirusThanks virus scan. When you download a file don't open it! Scan it with your own AV & than scan it on VirusTotal or NoVirusThanks to be sure that's not infected. Never download files that have a low size as they're probably infected with a server. What is a server? That Server can be made by a RAT to infect others, maybe you're wondering what a RAT is. RAT is Remote Administrator Tool such as CyberGate, PoisonIvy...

What files can be infected?!

There are specific file types that can be infected!

  • .exe (executable) - This are mainly server files.
  • .scr - Same as above
  • .exe.jpg - is a trick you can use that it looks like a jpg file.

Tricks that other uses to infect!!

The hackers are trying to use ways to infect others such as changing file information, changing icons or binding files. When you gonna open a file Right click on it and click on Properties and you'll see what FileType it is. If it's a application but looks like a .jpg it's probably a virus.

AV Couldn't found anything, It's still infected?

Hackers are using Crypters to Crypt Viruses. With crypters you can make a Virus FUD = Fully undetected against AV's so you can infect others without knowing it. So be sure to not download files from anyone who's not trusted or you think it's a virus.

The last words!

First of all this guide has been write by me and i will re-edit it time by time. So all credits goes to me. Second i'm really sorry for my spelling mistakes and my grammar.

Thanks for reading my guide! Please comment & rate.


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RE: How to be protected from viruses!

You should change the thread to 'How to avoid being infected,' as you aren't really protecting other than the AV section :tongue:

Nice guide for people who don't know much :smile: I see a lot of these though :huh:.

Also, and exe can't be named as a .exe.jpg last I checked. The .jpg will override the .exe and the .exe will seem as if it is just a part of the name. Test it on yourself, code hello world and rename it to .exe.jpg :smile:

On top of that, there's more than those executable names:

ADE - Microsoft Access Project Extension
ADP - Microsoft Access Project
BAS - Visual Basic Class Module
BAT - Batch File
CHM - Compiled HTML Help File
CMD - Windows NT Command Script
COM - MS-DOS Application
CPL - Control Panel Extension
CRT - Security Certificate
DLL - Dynamic Link Library
DO* - Word Documents and Templates
EXE - Application
HLP - Windows Help File
HTA - HTML Applications
INF - Setup Information File
INS - Internet Communication Settings
ISP - Internet Communication Settings
JS - JScript File
JSE - JScript Encoded Script File
LNK - Shortcut
MDB - Microsoft Access Application
MDE - Microsoft Access MDE Database
MSC - Microsoft Common Console Document
MSI - Windows Installer Package
MSP - Windows Installer Patch
MST - Visual Test Source File
OCX - ActiveX Objects
PCD - Photo CD Image
PIF - Shortcut to MS-DOS Program
POT - PowerPoint Templates
PPT - PowerPoint Files
REG - Registration Entries
SCR - Screen Saver
SCT - Windows Script Component
SHB - Document Shortcut File
SHS - Shell Scrap Object
SYS - System Config/Driver
URL - Internet Shortcut (Uniform Resource Locator)
VB - VBScript File
VBE - VBScript Encoded Script File
VBS - VBScript Script File
WSC - Windows Script Component
WSF - Windows Script File
WSH - Windows Scripting Host Settings File
XL* - Excel Files and Templates

Nice tut :thumbsup:


RE: How to be protected from viruses!

You've mixed something up; replace .exe.jpg with .jpg.exe (Mainly the trick since people hide file types by default)

Also, .exe being 'normally server files' does not make any sense, it will only be a server if it's a BotNet/something similar whereas most virus's these days are keyloggers and stealers using mail.

If you wan't the ultimate security, get linux. No executables on there/.scr


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RE: How to be protected from viruses!

1) There are viruses on Linux, doesn't have to be a .exe :smile:

2)'normally' means most of the time :tongue:. I see where you are coming from, though. ui:

Keyloggers have BASICALLY the same setup as a RAT/Botnet, they still make a server type output after you set the information.

Not trying to be mean or anything :unsure:


RE: How to be protected from viruses!

1) Not the executable skiddish types made in .NET
2) Server is the wrong name to target all malicious files


User is banned.
RE: How to be protected from viruses!

.exe doesn't only originate in .NET?


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RE: How to be protected from viruses!

Yeah you got that spot on :tongue:

Viruses such as RATs and Keyloggers, not othe ones.
RE: How to be protected from viruses!

Any type of file can be binded with malware. Ex. Songname.mp3.exe Also, another file type malware can hide under is .com.

Good guide, though. It's very simple, and actually organized, which is great.