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I found these tips online and I figured they were worth sharing! (via @BestProAdvice on twitter)

Fat Burning Foods: Almonds, Apples, Avocado, Cucumber, Green Leaf Vegetables, Beans, Watermelon.

Apple Cider Vinegar revitalizes your hair.
Eat an orange before working out. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it also prevents your muscles from getting sore.
Mash up a ripe banana with enough honey to achieve a soft pulp. Apply the mix to your face to help get rid of wrinkles, and put the leftovers in your hair for a shiny look.
Mixing apple cider vinegar with purified water and rubbing it on your face will help balance your PH levels, and it will also kill bacteria.
Mixing yogurt and raw honey and rubbing it on your face will help reduce redness.
Mixing egg whites, (without the yolk) and rubbing it on your face will soak up all the oil, combat acne, and will help rebuild skin cells.
Mixing orange peels and purified water and rubbing it on your face will promote skin growth, and is also an excellent source of Vitamin C.
Mixing strawberries and raw honey and rubbing it on your face will open and shrink your pores.
Drinking 2 cups of cold water on an empty stomach can boost metabolism by up to 30%.
Pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup. It also prevents colds and the flu.