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Time to Work

Mystic Guru

I will be now working on all the images and items we lost such as ficons, stars, post icons, smilies, awards and much more, please note that I will be busy A LOT. I have over 40 things on my list but on my list is MarketForums.org for #1 since it's the site I love and cherish for. I will be working for a while so please be patient as I work. Thank you.

I will be solving the following which I might have not or might have already above.

[+] Award Images
[+] Forum Icons for each section
[+] Stars which shows under usernames
[+] Smilies which might take a bit
[+] My custom theme I created
[+] Multiple Plugins fixed
[+] Fixing a lot more bugs then usual from back then
[+] and much more

Thanks for your patients,
Mystic Guru