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TheGamingJunkies | 1000 posts | Modded lobby's | join


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TheGamingJunkies is in constant developing, managing, and advertising. We only seek out members who have respect for Forum Communities, such as we do. We have a variety of things to offer our members, such as: Badges, Awards, Gaming / Technology / Social Forums, Membership, News, and Giveaways. Our Community dwells with a variety of individuals who have a share in many things, whether that be Tutorials, Discussions, Ideas, Help, or Funny Moments.

TheGamingJunkis is an experience all can enjoy. As we gradually grow, we form a welcoming embrace to all newcomers. We are constantly improving the site to feel more and more secure, active, and comfortable.

TheGamingJunkies also has a chatting system like most communities. You can PM one another individually. Or have a quick chat at the bottom. One of our objectives was for all users have the free will to communicate with one another.

Like most sites we always host contests, giveaways, and activities for users to take part in. We are very appreciative to all whom join our site, and are happy to giveaway money, cards, consoles, and games.

Our Membership is called Diamond and it is defiantly an exclusive one. We offer a whole separate forum section for only Diamond Members to take part in. As well as have a Badge & Name Color. More improvements towards this will be updated later on.

As we grow and grow into a bigger and more vast community, we will never forget why we created this site in the first place. To give an abundance of people the joy and comfort of our online community. To never leave a person filling empty or unwanted. We all care for one another, and only wish the best. Our site will work its way to the top, and during that journey everyone that takes part in helping us will not be forgotten.

If you wish to join our site please take time to view our contact list below. Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully join or take us into consideration.

Site Features
Change username style 
Live Stream Page 
Referral System 
Contact information:
Website: www.thegamingjunkies.com
Website Owners: Leviathan, TGC_Brandon


Onyx user!
RE: TheGamerCove | Gaming Forums | Read

I think I may sign up look really promising


New Member
RE: TheGamingJunkies | Tech | Gaming News | Tips

Thank you i have updated my post


Power member.
RE: TheGamingJunkies | Tech | Gaming News | Tips

Pretty cool site so far, I just recently joined newly an hour ago and I'm loving the interface. Hope it grows to what you expect and I encourage you guys here to join in!


New Member
RE: TheGamingJunkies | Tech | Gaming News | Tips

Thank you for the feedback and hope u stay