Text effect help?


Active Member
[font=arial, sans-serif]So I'm working on a text edit for my friend, and the title ends with "In 3D". So my initial idea was to create text that was actually 3D but that is way beyond my design knowledge and probably requires more than Photoshop. Anyway, my second idea was creating an effect that looks like you are looking at something that is 3D without the required glasses on. I was scrolling through Instagram and I found a picture with the exact effect. So if anyone knows a tutorial I could watch or could explain to me how to create this effect on text that would be great. [/font]

Blast said:
[font=arial, sans-serif]So I'm working on a text edit for my friend, and the title ends with "In 3D". So my initial idea was to create text that was actually 3D but that is way beyond my design knowledge and probably requires more than Photoshop. Anyway, my second idea was creating an effect that looks like you are looking at something that is 3D without the required glasses on. I was scrolling through Instagram and I found a picture with the exact effect. So if anyone knows a tutorial I could watch or could explain to me how to create this effect on text that would be great. [/font]

that effect is incredibly easy to create. Hard to explain, but I believe theres a guide on this. Essentially what you need to do is create a duplicate layer, in blending options untick the "R" value, and then move the duplicated layer.
For best results, like @Tempts said you must duplicate the layer. After duplicating, go to the text effect options and remove the 'R' value from the layer. Move the layer up,down,left or right as many spaces as you want. Then duplicate the layer you just manipulated. Afterwards, clipping mask this newly duplicated layer onto the one you've already moved. Then enter its options, turn the 'R' value back on, and remove the 'G' value. Proceed to move it over the same number of spaces as the first layer you moved. Creates a nice effect and this is one of my favourites.
Will upload a video tutorial in a few hours if you're still confused. :)
go on kickass.to and download Cinema 4D for free fam
@br0wn @Tempts @Totodile @watuhrbo @Bananendealer I know this is super late, considering I don't use FK much anymore, but you're all right. This effect was a lot easier than I expected and I should have just looked it up on google. Regardless of my stupidity, thank you all for the help, I did end up using the effect and the people I was doing it for really liked it. Lesson learned: Google first, FK after. :)
Blast said:
@br0wn @Tempts @Totodile @watuhrbo @Bananendealer I know this is super late, considering I don't use FK much anymore, but you're all right. This effect was a lot easier than I expected and I should have just looked it up on google. Regardless of my stupidity, thank you all for the help, I did end up using the effect and the people I was doing it for really liked it. Lesson learned: Google first, FK after. :)
Haha No problem! To me its : Google First, Youtube after, Reddit third, than forums :) 