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Power member.
This forum is for people to post their middleman threads. But please note these people are not official middleman's. They are free middleman's. And anyone can be one so keep in mind by using a middleman there is still a chance of getting scammed. If you are worried about getting scammed than i would suggest getting an official middleman. There is no chance of getting scammed. But you do have to pay a small fee. There are not much rules here besides the regular ForumKorner rules. Do not post on other members middleman threads unless you are interested in there service or are vouching for them. Also this is NOT were you become a official middleman. To be come an official middleman goto the official middleman applications section of the forum. Please dont do so until you think you have enough vouchs to get accepted. To save the admins and your time. Only extremely trusted members of the forum are accepted to become an official middleman. Welp that basically sums it all up.

Trade at your own risk and ForumKorner is NOT responsible for any scamming that happens.​
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