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Royal Rumble tonight?


It sucked ass. The worst person they could pick to win. I am disappointed. But on the bright side, jerery the king lawler is the #1 contender for the WWE championship at elimination chamber.


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Ghoku said:
It sucked ass. The worst person they could pick to win. I am disappointed. But on the bright side, jerery the king lawler is the #1 contender for the WWE championship at elimination chamber.

You're the type of WWE fan I hate . Alberto Del Rio is the fastest up rising star. The amount of heat this guy draws is unreal. Jerry is a fucking 60 year old shit wrestler, and should not be any where near the WWE championship.


Are you kidding. Yea ok he is a uprising star, but making him win his first ever royal rumble is just stupid. Kane was champion for 6 months and they treated him like shit. I wanted kane to win, o maybe a return of HHH


Just letting you guys know WWE is about as real as my 200" cock its not real. Just telling you


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Frank said:
Just letting you guys know WWE is about as real as my 200" cock its not real. Just telling you

We know.

Ghouko, Kane is about to retire. They gave him that reign as a goodbye gift as he was probably the most loyal wwe wrestler in history. Del Rio is insanely over which will result in buy rates, who else could of won the rumble apart from the predictable Cenas etc? Triple H doesn't need it as he's going to return to feud with Sheamus anyway.



There are so many other superstars. John Morrison would have bought sales. Kane yes i agree, but you gotta see, he never asked for a championships. He was only one time for 24 hours and after 14 years this.

They need to treat him with respect and him going soo out was also bunch of BS


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He really is retireing lol there's been countless interviews. John Morrison will be a champion in the future, but he can't headline wrestlemania. He has zero mic skills, so how is he going to hype up this match? Miz is a very gifted talker, so he'll be great. Cena/Punk/HHH and many others are too, that's why they headline. Alberto Del Rio is awesome on the mic too, despite his accent. He'll bring buy rates as many people want to see him lose lol.



LOL@ that but you gotta see, who is more gifted wrestler. Who doesnt use the same moves again and again? People want to see great moves, high flying and John Morrison brings that. Alberto del rio well lets just put it this way. He sucks.


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Ghoku said:
LOL@ that but you gotta see, who is more gifted wrestler. Who doesnt use the same moves again and again? People want to see great moves, high flying and John Morrison brings that. Alberto del rio well lets just put it this way. He sucks.
I assume you know what the IWC is (Internet Wrestling Community). Massive forums all back up Alberto Del Rio as a very gifted wrestler, and he is. Obviously John Morrison can pull off better spots and athletic moves, and is probably one of if not the most exciting wrestler to watch. But realize, he's still going to be at Wrestlemani in a match he can do more, such as Money in the Bank. He doesn't need to be main eventing in a simple WWE Title match, as he doesn't need the title match to show off his skills. People won't specifically buy this pay per view to see John Morrison pull off moves, people buy it to see the result in built up storylines. John can't build up a storyline as my Nan has more charisma on the microphone.