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[REVIEW] Shockinghost


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For starters, I apologize if this is the wrong section for this thread but I just wanted to recommend this host.

My friend is co-admin on the site. I was starting a forum and he recommended me the site.
None of their packages suited me. Either the hosting offered would be insufficient, or they would be too expensive with lots of stuff I wouldn't really need.

I created a support ticket and hours later had a custom plan setup. Purchased, transfered money (paypal) and had it up and running about an hour later, I believe.

The support personal are very nice. Time zones messed stuff up so sometimes it would be a few hours before I received a reply, but never a longer wait than a day

I had to cancel my hosting the day after I had purchased it. The reasons why are private, but as it turned out they offered 3 days of cancellation.
(I let them keep a few dollars for the hassle though. In return I said I would write a review for them, and they gave me a promotional code)

You can check out their site here. The promo code is 15offfirst which will give you a 15% discount on the first payment.