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Call of Duty [Resource] Compilation of CoD4 Mapping Tutorials


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Compilation of CoD4:MW Mapping Tutorials

Hey everyone, I am personally an avid CoD4 Mod'er, and I wanted to share a list of useful and resourceful tutorials that I learned from. These tutorials are not made by me, therefore, credits are due to the authors. I hope you will enjoy these and I would love to find some more mappers and mod'ers on the forum.

Making Doors and Windows
Compiling a Cod4:MW Map.
Using CoD4:MW Mod Tools
Creating Circular Brushes
Making a Background
Making a Ladder
Making Invisible Walls
Common Error Fixes
Creating a Usable Turret
[Resource] Worldmap Settings
Making Curved Pathways
Creating a MP Minimap

Credits: ModsOnline users!