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Reforming public school curriculum


Onyx user!
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I credit many of our social and societal problems in the United States to our poor and corrupted education system. I believe this plays a relative factor in many of our other problems as well. Here are some suggestions I have pertaining to our current education system:

1.) Psychology, Humanism, Neuroscience, Ecology, Cosmology, Basic Survival should all be mandatory (core) classes. The formula of photsynthesis and the date George Washington won a battle should be left to those who want to specialize in those fields. Some of our elective and core classes are backwards. Any others you can think of?

2.) We need to be taught about the way the brain works. The many ways of thinking (critically, intuitively, improvisation, etc.) and the situations and scenarios that they each apply to best. This will improve the average persons intelligence overall. Its like excercise for your brain, to teach your brain about your brain.

3.) I was never taught anything about evolution. Or about the big bang theory, and the fact that our bodies are but vibrating atoms recycled from stardust. These are proven concepts that trace us back as close to our origin as we know as of this moment. This is incredibly important and it bothers me that it is not implimented nation-wide because of certain peoples ideologies and refusal to accept proven truth.

Now, I also believe that the structure and approach that teachers are told to take is malicious and corrupted. Most of our "learning" and the methods of which we are tested by rely on repeating and memorizing things. I think it is scary that this is what we are taught is intelligence, and are expected to conform to. Few can forsee the danger in this, but I believe it to be the "priming stage" of population control and manipulation. Over time, I also think this will genetically alter humans of the future to be more prone to think this way, "naturally." An intentional mutation that has already begun. We cannot let it continue.

Instead, we need to break down the system and reform now. We all learn differently and it is essential that every individual be not taught or told, but enlightened and guided. Creative freedom is important. This strict, commanding, straight forward approach that forces us to all be the same and think the same needs to go. One size does not fit all.

You may be an auditory learner, or a kinesthetic learner, or a visual learner, or a hybrid. My idea is to test children as they develop in elementary school and see where they fall in these categories. We need to break them up by group, and put them with the peers that learn the same way they do. On top of that, provide them the teacher they deserve, someone who specializes in teaching in that specific fashion. Much more detail can be added to this, and further options and possibilities can be explored. This is just a rough draft of my plan.

I am trying to keep these ideas as neutral as possible. This proposal is open to interpretation and opinion, and is being made with positive intention for the bettering of mankind. I just wanted to get my ideas down. Please feel free to throw out some ideas of your own.


Power member.
We should shutdown schools and raisr Armageddon


Geography is important but there are some subjects they could easily drop


User is banned.
I think the failure in oru school systems is due to the curriculum's ability to keep students interested and engaged, we have all this technology now a days and our schools are not trying to compete for the kid's attention.