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Productive Day.

Chrome Hearts

Power member.
Today I had wrestling practice right after school. From 2:30-4:00.
Afterwards me, two other wrestlers, and four girls went to the track and jogged a bit and ran up and down the bleachers, and ending with sprints.

One of my friends decided it was okay to come up behind me in the beginning of practice and lock me up, the thing is I've got at least 40 pounds on him.

I picked him up and slammed him, on his neck..
So he just stayed there holding his neck, I felt bad oh well, toughens you up, right?

Right now I'm at 161, I'm going to be wrestling at 152.
Season starts November 20th


User is banned.
I use to do Wrestling. Now I have a serious neck problem. Maybe the same will happen to your friend.

Chrome Hearts

Power member.
Ellie said:
I use to do Wrestling. Now I have a serious neck problem. Maybe the same will happen to your friend.

I think you told me about this before.
Also, I hope he doesn't. He has good potential.