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Oliver's service :)


i am doing a service where i will get your fishing up the price is:
level 1-10 100k each level
level 11-20 200k each level
level 21-30 300k each level
level 31-40 400k each level
level 41-50 600k each level
level 51-60 750k each level
level 61+ 800k each level

Why is there a big increase from 40-50 well this is where it starts to take longer so as you can see its a lot harder .
what you need to do: pm me telling me your level of fishing at the moment and your desired level. Then we will discuss how much it will be on there if i can offer discounts or not
will prove to the first person who posts on here for half price if fishing is bellow 40 and only wants a few levels

how can i trust you? well i am hoping to get verified so then you can
how long will it take? it depepnds on your level if your bellow 30 then very quick.
can you do discounts: sometimes
do you have a guarantee? i will offer a 2 day guarantee for each level
will i be able to log into my account? not while i am on it sorry but as soon as i am of i will let you know straight away.

thanks Oliver Edmunds

this is linked in with this post http://runegear.net/Thread-win-free-fishing-leveling-up
so you can all see it is verified and have no worries in using me


Onyx user!
One, there is no verification process you have to go through or has been established yet. Two, look at your rep:

Copper (0) - Last updated Yesterday, 07:48 PM 
Negative (-1): Scammer, don't even try him

Donranged (-1) - Last updated Yesterday, 05:38 PM 
Negative (-1): Hacked my account + 30M bank


i have never scammed anyone before as this is my first time advertising :S and you can create a level 3 account and test if you do not belive me as i will get that up 5 levels to prove it, and i know i have no verification so that is why i was offering to do it free on my other thread