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Off my chest.


Active Member
Ok, first of all I'm not looking for any attention, or for people to feel sorry for me or whatever, I just need to get this off my chest.

Well, pretty much what happened was my school books were on our living room floor, and my dad told me to "clean it up" so I moved them to the kitchen where we have like a bunch of newspapers, magazines, etc. After I put them there my dad asked me where I put them, and I told him in the kitchen.
He started yelling at me telling me to take them to my room or whatever, and I told him he was overreacting, and he just kept yelling at me so I just slammed the the kitchen door, and went to my room. When I slammed the door this thing we use to turn on and off our house alarm thingy fell to the floor and broke.
So my dad run up to my room, hit me in the back of my head asking me what the fuck I thought I was. And well, when I was a child (like 8 years old idk) my dad used to be really abusive to me and my brother, so when he hit me in the head I remembered all of the shit he had done in the past, so I punched him right in the face, and broke his nose. My mom wasn't home (still isn't) at the time, so now he's acting all nice to me, obviously so I won't tell my mom.
I don't even know how to explain this, but yeah pretty much that's what happened.

Sorry about any grammatical errors, but I don't really care atm, lol


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Sorry to hear bro I hope everything gets cleared up, I laughe when u said u hit him in the face XD


Active Member
E T said:
Sorry to hear bro I hope everything gets cleared up, I laughe when u said u hit him in the face XD
I'll probably talk to my mom and stuff when she gets home, but yeah it was fun doing it too :~)


Active Member
Good, my dad used to abuse me until he learned that I can fight back. Good for you my friend.


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Good for you. I hate child abuse and it'll never be good.. in any situation.


Power member.
I'm against child abuse. My dad's never hit me in any way shape or form but I'm glad you stuck up for yourself and gave him *here comes a gay sentence* a gnarly knuckle sandwich lol no but seriously glad that you stood up for your self.


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im glad taht you stood up for your self i hope everything is okay now