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Not Eating Enough?


Well-Known Member
So I'm 17 and quite skinny, but I like my current weight class.

Basically every morning I have porridge with a banana and a seprate cereal bar, today I had an apple too. I had these at 8:15am.

I am hungry right now but I don't know if that's bad? Lunch is in an hour, I will have a sandwich, apple, banana and a cereal bar, but that doesn't really fill me up, let alone until like 5:30-6pm when my tea usually is. After tea at about 8pm I go for a 30 minute run then have an apple.

Any advice? Not interested in being a muscle freak or just putting on weight intentionally. Let me know. @chill @junior can't remember who else might know something.


Well-Known Member

there's your problem, fruit ain't gonna fill you up son.

instead, treat yourself to 10 big macs, a large fry, and 2 cokes


Well-Known Member
Depends what your intentions are, I mean I wouldn't eat before running that's ridiculous.

A banana or red lollies, something sugary aways 5-10 mins before a run.

If you're worried about being hungry all the time eat meat, eating fruit is good of course but it doesn't fill you up. Fruit should be for snacking on as well as nuts. If you want a healthy lunch bring crackers/cheese and tuna.

I'm on my phone rn, cbf typing much..


Well-Known Member
If you're going to eat before you run eat a banana but make sure you chew it a lot so it digests better.
Also eat some protein, that will fill you up.


Well-Known Member

No I eat like 2-3 hours before I run, I get most hungry inbeetween lunch and tea. Its like a 5-6 hour wait.


Technically you are supposed to eat when you are NOT hungry. You are supposed to stay one step ahead of your body @magic . That will keep your tummy feeling good all day and you will absorb more nutrients as you need it. Also it sounds like you eat pretty healthy. That can usually cause hunger because healthy foods are normally lighter


Well-Known Member

Yeah it is a healthy diet. But I don't want it to be a diet you know? Like I want to eat quite a lot I just want what I eat too be healthy. But to much is bad for you apparently, like to many apples, bananas, anything. I don't know how to eat healthy without eating less. And for people mentioning meats, I don't have the time in the morning or lunch to cook at all.


Do you eat almonds? That could be a good snack/filler for when you are hungry . Honestly I would just do what you are doing, but maybe eat more times a day.

Space Time

User is banned.
Well be a normal person and eat fast foods and chips and chocolates.
You seem to have a high metabolism meaning your body won't grow much even when you just had a whole pig for dinner.

Just eat more...simple
No need for proteins and stupid diets.


Well-Known Member
Space Time said:
Well be a normal person and eat fast foods and chips and chocolates.
You seem to have a high metabolism meaning your body won't grow much even when you just had a whole pig for dinner.

Just eat more...simple
No need for proteins and stupid diets.

There is a need because certain foids trigger acne and stuff. Chocolate and fat makes a notable diffference.

@coltie2 eat what more often? Not sure I can have more fruit.


Active Member
Lol how ya'll eat all this healthy stuff, I'm like 7 and a half stone and all I eat is junk, never ate porridge in my life, hate egg, milk and banana all that healthy shit, I haven't drank water in years because I don't like it, only drink fizzy drinks, eat shir loads if sweets a week and I'm still skinny af lol

@Magic just try a lot of junk food and put some weight on because having healthy stuff like apples ain't gonna increase your weight.


@magic greek yogurt, almonds, smoked salmon, fruits, peanut butter sandwiches, soup, salad wraps, normal wraps.. Those are some things that are quick and can fill you up. The only other advice I really have is look into doing meal prep? Make meals a few days in advance that way you can have better foods and control how much you "want" to eat. The real solution is just eat more of anything other than fruit and junk food. Check this read out..it will teach you a bit about meal prep https://www.kaylaitsines.com/blogs/news/18903859-meal-prep-101-for-beginners


Well-Known Member

I use to eat complete garbage and it gave me really nsd acne. I don't want to put weight on lol, just want a good system where I won't get bad skin.

@coltie2 do you think those walnut things will do? Not sure how healthy they are tbh.


User is banned.
Bread and water. Just don't eat a lot of bread add like 1 bread to each meal or everytime you eat. Get almonds or something also but no more than 15 per meal.


Well-Known Member
Vidvix said:
Bread and water. Just don't eat a lot of bread add like 1 bread to each meal or everytime you eat. Get almonds or something also but no more than 15 per meal.

So would like a fresh stick baguette be okay? I know bread is reasonably bad for you because if saturates and sugar, etc.


Magic said:
I use to eat complete garbage and it gave me really nsd acne. I don't want to put weight on lol, just want a good system where I won't get bad skin.

@coltie2 do you think those walnut things will do? Not sure how healthy they are tbh.
You don't have to use exactly what that link says... you can alter the food items to your liking. Thats just a general idea of what food prep is.


Active Member
Count your macros, hit your macros. That's the only way. If you're an iPhone user download the app, myfitnesspal. It's awesome, it lets you track all of your macro intake by scanning labels or typing the food in the search bar.

@beam you aren't eating right if you're trying to put a little weight on.


Power member.

Well I actually consider this ability to eat a lot and stay slim a blessing.