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my life and drugs :/


Onyx user!
hey guys. bishop here, I am currently a junior in high school, but i will be a senior in 5 days. anyways incase you guys are ever bored and wanna read my life story of my junior year. Well here it goes...

so first off at the beginning of junior year I started smoking weed again. I first started smoking weed in 7th grade when my parents got divorced. then my freshman year I got busted and my mom pressed charges on me and got me probation for 30 days. nothing to serious. as of now I've moved on. but throughout my junior year I got worse. I'm 16 and will be 17 in 9 days (may 28th) but anyways back to my story. so towards the beginning of junior year I was smoking weed again. it felt great. after a few weeks I stopped because I would get too worried of getting caught and it wasn't fun. well at the time I was about a month and a half into my junior year. my dad ended up getting back surgery and open heart surgery (a quadruple bypass which is the worst one) he was perscribed all kinds of percocets and painkillers. I realized since I can't smoke weed. I might as well try something different. this was something I told myself I'd never do. just weed and drinking. well that all changed quickily. I was steady taking oxy, hydro, morphine sulfate, gabapentin, tramadol, and all types of painkillers and percocets. after about 3 months of this I realized my health was at risk and I needed to change my ways. but then I got depressed because I was talking to a girl and after a while she ended up leaving me and completely cutting me out of her life because I chose drugs over her. So then she chose some kid Chris over me. once that happened. I got back into weed, everyday for 4 months straight I would steal pills from my dad and buy Oxy's and hydros everyday. and every morning when I got to school I would snort a pill or 2. it got so bad at one point I snorted 2 oxys and took 5 tramadol and I planned on overdosing but it didn't turn out well. instead I got home. passed out at 3pm and woke back up at 12am. when I woke up I had a horrible migraine and I threw up. I threw up so much I began to throw up blood. I told my mom I ate lasagna and that's why I got away with it. after that I stopped with tramadol And just stuck to HYDROS and OXYS. a few weeks later I decided to try dxm. I went to my local grocery and stole a few bottles. then eventually I had to buy them after a while of getting sketched out. it was a Friday night and I told my mom I was going to a friends in the neighborhood she told me I could take the car and come back by 3 am, at this time I only had my permit. but I'm a good driver and my mom trusts me. I took the car to the park in my neighborhood instead, then drank a bottle of robutussin with Dxm and smoked a blunt. after I went and picked my friend who only had his permit and I let him drive my moms car to McDonald's. it was even passed 12am and cops were out. about an hour later. the dxm kicked in and I was already high as shit. as I was in line trying to order. I could not stop laughing. I laughed for a good 15 minutes straight. then we left and j ate and 30 minutes later I didn't feel so good. my kidneys and liver and my lower back were killing me. and then it hit me. I thought I was dying. I even texted my family telling them I loved them and I'll miss them. I started to see white and I couldn't see clearly. I passed out at 1:20ish am and woke up at 1;30pm. before I went to sleep, I tried to tell my friend to take me to the hospital but he wouldn't. after that I researched  something called hawaiian baby woodrose seeds and morning glory seeds. they contain LSA. they came in on a Saturday and that night as j was in bed I ate one HBWR seed and 20 morning glory seeds. the next day at school I ate 80 morning glory seeds and 7 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. I ate them all throughout my first mod which is geometry. 15 minutes after I went to the bathroom and I was nauseous and gagging for about 2 hours. then I went to the nurse and threw up in the bathroom. afte that I couldn't feel my body of my head. colors were more important. lights were more serious. and at the end of my last class I started to somewhat trip. then the bus ride was the best. I got off the bus and started tripping. I was listening to Pusha Man by Chance the rapper (great song) and when I stepped off the bus. I was chance. I was rapping for people. the sky was orange and purple and blue. then I took out my earbuds and everything was quiet. I put them back in when I was standing on my front porch. nobody was home thank god. I was getting ready to open my door and then I turned around. I was on stage performing. my eyes were closed. I then went back to my school for the basketball game and the come down was amazing. I really thought about life and my future. then about 2 days later. I bought acid. took one tab Friday night at a friends and took another on Saturday night at a party. I was so drunk and idk how but I managed to pass out and didn't even trip. There is plent more I can say about my junior year, but all I can say is now I don't do anything. I drink every now and then. my parents don't care about drinking. but I do sell weed. I stopped everyhting. and now that I did. that girl who I chose drugs over her and she chose that Chris kid over, now we are together. I stopped doing everything just for her. her family loves me and my family loves her. I've never been so happy before in my life, this is the happiest I've ever been.


User is banned.
Great choice, hopefully you continue to make good choices and go on with your life.


Onyx user!
Braden said:
Great choice, hopefully you continue to make good choices and go on with your life.

oh I am trust me man. it got so bad there was one time I was driving home from school. the first day I got my license and drove myself to school. and before I left I snorted an oxy and fell asleep on the wheel and was going 65 on a 30 and almost crashed. I went in the grass on a barn off of the road but I survived. it was scary as hell. the last thing I did was go to a party about 2 months ago and I snorted a hydro, took 2 oxys, and smoked 2 whole G's to myself. ever since then I havent done anything and I don't plan on it anytime soon 

Yosemite said:
How did it feel to be Chance the Rapper?
Very interesting read though, sounds crazy man.

not gonna lie. it was awesome. something I'll never forget, j can't explain how awesome it was


User is banned.
Glad you stopped, it may be fun in the beginning but in the long run it hurts you mentally and physically. Hopefully you continue down this positive road and stay out of trouble. If you need to talk hmu in messages or aim "citrustemp".


Onyx user!
Luckily it has a great ending! I hope you stay with her! :')
And you will never do drugs again! Great choise!


User is banned.
Why are you taking any drug you can get your hands on? Fuck doing those roach ass pills if you really wanna feel better and don't wanna die from a od smoke cigarettes its 20x better for you then the shit you are taking. It will also make quitting easier (some people).

Edit: I didn't read the entire thing cause fuck reading but if you are truly happy then just stick to weed and drinking.


Active Member
Sincerely glad you came through alright OP. Hope you continue to use your brain and make good decisions and remember that there are people you care about and that care about you. Don't make them suffer because of your bad decisions.


Onyx user!
thanks everyone for the advice. means a lot. I'm doing well and still plan on staying on track and keeping my head up higher than ever. I don't need drugs to live a happy life. I got my Lady and my friends/family, that's all I need


Great job bro. drugs are not worth it. Hope you have a great journey in life.


Onyx user!
Forespoken said:
Great job bro. drugs are not worth it. Hope you have a great journey in life.

thanks man, I appreciate it a lot. I'm still going strong too



Bishop said:
thanks man, I appreciate it a lot. I'm still going strong too
Good job bro drugs arent worth it at all. waste of money.


User is banned.
I actually enjoyed this read because I can relate to it so much. I used to do Ecstasy, Acid, Weed, tired coke once, Xanax a few times and my life was headed south. But I met a girl who would eventually become my girlfriend. She showed me the meaning of life and I've never been so happy. I stopped doing drugs completely and whenever I do get drunk, I'll call her because she enjoys it when I'm drunk for some reason. She says I say some of the cutest and weirdest shit. ahahha

But I'm happy for you homie. I'm glad you pulled through and if you need anyone to talk to, feel free to pm me. I can definitely relate to you on this, maybe other members as well. But definitely hit me up


Onyx user!
thanks man. it feels nice to have someone who can relate to my post. I'm still on the right path right now. just struggling a little bit. my girl friend told me if I do anything then she will break up with me and never give me another chance. I can't ruin this