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Morning Glory Seeds (LSA) need help!!


Onyx user!
Hey guys so I ordered about 1,500 Heavenly Blue  Morning Glory Seeds off of amazon. They contain LSD, and I have been told that if you eat these you eventually trip/hallucinate like crazy. Anyways I read a few things online saying you can just eat about 60 of them if you are just starting off (first timers) when I opened the package the bag says 1.5 oz of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds. They are not really small, but not really big either. They are just a bit bigger than a tic tac in my opinion. Anyways if you have ever had any experience with these. Can you please tell me about your experience and how you "consumed" them; whether you are them, or grinded them up, put them in orange juice and drank em' thanks for reading. If you could please leave me some feedback it would be highly appreciated. Also I know I made a thread a few days ago about LSD/Acid. I will be posting my experience sometime soon. I know a few members were asking me about it. 


Power member.
Bishop said:
I'm not sure how do I know if they are or not?
It says on the bag, if they are treated get[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] ready for nausea and vomit[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]:^)[/font]


Onyx user!
@shift do you have a snapchat? I'll send you a pic of them and maybe you could help me out. Plus how do I clean them? Boiling them kills the LSA


LSD is a synthetic, I don't think they contain it.. They may have psilocibin or whatevr is in shrooms.


you can just eat them BUT if they are treated then get ready for extreme nausea. you are gonna wish you are dead. there are ways to safely consume treated seeds though, just do a little bit of research.