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Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease!


Active Member
http://assets.minecraft.net/1_9-pre/minecraft.jar - CLIENT ONLY

http://assets.minecraft.net/1_9-pre/minecraft_server.jar - SERVER ONLY

How to install:


1. Click Start
2. Click Run (for W7 users, just type the following in the search bar and hit enter)
3. Type %appdata%
4. Navigate to .minecraft
5. Navigate to bin
6. Replace the .jar file in /bin with the 1.9 version you downloaded.


1. Open a new Finder window
2. Navigate to your home folder
3. Navigate to Library
4. Navigate to Application Support
5. Navigate to minecraft
6. Navigate to bin
7. Replace the .jar file in /bin with the 1.9 version you downloaded.