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Macbook Pro Vs Macbook Air?


Power member.
Which one is better stat wise? I am not really good at judging. But from what i am viewing it looks like the Macbook Pro is better.

I have never really been a huge Mac fan. But i am just curious. And actually maybe looking into getting one in the future when i have a job.

J Fresh

Onyx user!
Hi bowser. Lets go over a few comparisons of them

The Macbook Pro is different depending on its size, and wether it has Normal or Retina Display.

The Regular Macbook Pro has 13' and 15'.
The 13' comes in to different options 2.5GHZ Dual Core Intel i5 and 2.9 GHZ Dual Core Intel i7

2.5GHZ= $1199 and 2.9GHZ= $1499

The '15 also comes in two different options. 2.3GHZ i7 and 2.6 GHZ i7
Its a little negative on the performance compared to the '13, but the price comes from the screen size.

2.3GHZ= $1799 and 2.6GHZ= $2199 If I remember correctly.

now heres some HD storage statistics:
13 Inch 2.5 GHZ Macbook Pro has a 500GB HD
13 Inch 2.9 GHZ Macbook Pro has a 750GB HD
15 inch 2.3 GHZ Macbook Pro has a 500GB HD
15 Inch 2.6 GHZ Macbook Pro has a 750 or more, not sure about that one.

but ill cut to the advantage/dis

Macbook Pro has significantly more battery life.
Macbook Pro has more storage
Macbook Air is much smaller and more mobile
Screen Res is small on Macbook Air

Whats cool is the Macbook Air uses flash storage so it allows a bit more storage space on it.
The 11' Macbook Air has about 64GB of Flash storage, which is like a 64GB iPhone. This goes for $999. The 11' with 128GB is about $1100, and has 128GB . Which I don't know why anyone would buy the 64GB when you can get 128GB for $100 more...
The 13' Macbook Air 128GB is $1199 while the 13' Macbook air 256GB is $1499.

Overall Macbook Air is cheaper and more mobile, while the Macbook Pro is a little less mobile, but has much more Storage space and battery life. It really depends on how you're going to use this computer

Hope I helped


Power member.
Very detailed and High Quality. Thanks alot.


User is banned.
I am on the MacBook Air.. I love it