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I'm new.. Help?


New Member
As you can probably tell from my profile and title I'm very new to the world of Forum Korner, and after some digging an exploring of the side, I think I like it here. :) But I need some assistance from you all as a community in regards to learning about what goes on here. For example -  I have a very basic knowledge of bitcoin, but am not entirely sure the best ways to earn it, what exactly is a wallet or how to make one, etc. (BTC is just an example, there's also some stuff about the general website that I need info on) I'm primarily using the monetization section for now, and as such I'm posting the thread here. So, please help me out guys - fill me in. :)

P.S. - This is my first post, please bear with me here xD


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Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency used to buy/sell stuff, which can be obtained by buying it for another currency, or mining it. At the moment mining is a horrible way to get it because it is low in price and a mining rig would cost more than you would make.


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It's also good to use as they can't take it back after sending.