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I think I have an imposter. / @koda scamming


Power member.
I don't know why me out of all people would have an imposter but I had some kid say "thanks for scamming me" about 10 minutes ago on Kik. So I asked him what he was talking about and he said "you scammed Kik: gps off me saying you were upset on fk" so I asked him what Kik I was on and he said Kik: topic but I traded Kik topic for Kik vB yesterday and I think @chill or @haloreach mm'd the deal so they can confirm cause one of them was the MM. I just forget which.

He is also impersonating the MM @verdict using the Kik "Cbf." Which is not verdicts Kik. 

The only Kik I use is in my signature... Before dealing with me always PM me to confirm.

Link to the screenshots of the kid admitting he scammed, another kid saying he got beamed by him fake mm impersonating, and the kid who got scammed from koda impersonating me. https://imgur.com/a/H7dbG

He's another screenshot of him using the fake MM which I added @haloreach and the 2 other kids who have gotten scammed into the same group chat to see the fake MM happening. https://imgur.com/a/8cVg5

@Koda is the kid who I traded the Kik with.
i have messages from @koda admitting he scammed the kid but crying about how he wasn't using me in anyway to get the scam done.

The Kik koda is using is the Kik: Topic which I traded with him yesterday so deal with caution cause he always impersonates verdict as MM.


Power member.
Of course you should include those messages.


Power member.
Added the screenshots to this thread