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Call of Duty I 15th Prestieged on Black Ops Already :D


Power member.
Yer, ive already 15th Prestieged on Black Ops. Well honestly im only got to first prestiege truely. But, my current rank is 15th.

It kinda came accidently, me and my brothers mates clan were browsing round the servers to see if we could get a game, and we jumped in the French Mercanaries one, we had a few games.

Then, at the end of the 2nd map, and admin must have been on and turn on "Fast Ranking" as they called it. And all of a sudden 1 kill was 100000 Xp. So was kinda taken by suprise when it told me I was 1st Prestiege Lvl 50, when I had only entered Prestige mode about an hour before.

I know on the xbox you guys have your JTagging to hack lobbies etc, but half the time for them you have to be really lucky and cowinsidently get in one, be invited, or pay the owner!

All I hope now is that I dont get banned

Scrappy CoCo

Onyx user!
Haha must be nice.
The J-tags have already been patched. :'(
There is a new free booter though.


Power member.
Yer, the hacked PC servers, are simple to "hack" all it is, is a line or 2 of simple code into the console that Treyarch left unprotected.

The next major patch should fix the problem, hopefully not the one comming becuase they have much more serious problems to fix than rank hackers tbh