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Guide on Computer Customization


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Welcome to tutorial #1 on ForumKorner

Part 1: How to install a Graphics Card
1) Turn off the Computer
2) You're first going to want to un-plug all power from the computer such as the power cords all of the USB's and everything else.
3) Open the side panel of your computer and look at the motherboard to find an empty PCI-I or PCI-E slot on your motherboard and then that is the slot your going to want to fit your graphic card in
4) Put the Graphic Card in lightly and make sure it's in and power up the computer and install the drivers it came with or get them from the website or it won't work display wise.


Part 2: How to install RAM
1) Turn off the Computer
2) Un-plug all power from the computer such as all of the cords
3) Find a slot that has RAM in it and remove and it.
4) Insert the new slot and push it in lightly and snap it in with the sides


Part 3: How to increase boot speed of PC
1) Open run in start menu
2) Type "msconfig"
3) Go to Start Up tab
4) Disable anything you don't need running

Part 4: How to install a CPU
AMD Guide
Intel Guide

This is basically all I know about Computer Customization so enjoy


Power member.
Great tutorial. Im sure this will help someone out. Keep being active!